
Would you feel comfortable bringing your child to a school if the teachers may be carrying concealed weapon?

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In one small Texas town (Harrold ISD) has made it legal for teachers to bring guns to school




  1. hmm

    i dont think its fine..

    what if the teacher goes nuts and plans a shooting at the school?  

  2. I would not feel comfortable myself but that is just me.

  3. I've heard about that too, and it scares the h*** out of me!

    How do you know a student wouldn't take the teachers gun and start a school shooting?!

  4. I would be a little worried, but I wouldn't think too much about it. I'm sure it's for in case someone breaks in and threatens a classroom, not for shooting a kid on the swings.

  5. this is a very interesting one. i think that i would have to see the people that are holding the guns myself to say if i trusted them or not and what the laws are their for them to be able to get the things.

    But if it is all done right and safe then i would not have a issue with it! But I would be concerned that a child would get their hands on the weapon and kill someone in a game or something so i would hope that they have a very good safety on the gun and not chamber a bullet so that they actually.

    great Question  

  6. I would feel more comfortable if I knew the teachers knew how to handle a gun and were trained to use it. You never know when they may need to defend your child - yes I want them to have that option. It is no surprise that a state that uphold the death penalty would also allow guns in school.

    I do think that since we are hopefully dealing with kids they would opt for a pepper gun or a taser instead of killing someone - but maybe something happened that they thought this was necessary.

    In my opion though anyone who carries a gun should be trained to use it and have regular practice in handling it. Cause just carrying one aint gonna cut

  7. No. I'd skip town with my kids and go find a better school. That's retarded. Who's going to want to be in a class with some teacher carrying a gun?

  8. I would be happy that in case of an emergancy, the teacher has something to protect my child. I also would be worried that God forbid the teacher is mentally ill, she/he's having a bad day, there was an accident, it wasn't locked away properly, etc. In my oppinion there are too many cons to this then pros. Honestly, I'd be worried all day long.  

  9. What is the need for teachers to carry weapons? If the school is recognized by the state as an eligible place for education, then they will have thorough plans incase of emergency. I'm sure there is a way to protect the students with out carrying a weapon that is very deadly if placed in the wrong hands!

    I definitely wouldn't let my child go to that school! If the school board isn't comfortable with their safety system to the point where teachers carry weapons, something is terribly wrong!

    What's with the thumbs down? Schools all over America have found ways to protect students without allowing teachers to bring weapons! Why does this school get the benefit of the doubt? Is this for the teacher's safety? Well that makes no sense either- it's not like the teacher can shoot a kid that doesn't turn in homework!

  10. I'd feel more than comfortable, I'd feel relieved.

    But then, I don't have an unreasonable fear of law-abiding citizens exercising their 2nd-Amendment rights.

    When I was growing up, even students were allowed to bring firearms to school under certain circumstances (hunting season, Rifle Club, etc). And nobody ever went on a shooting spree. But they would certainly not have been sitting ducks for anyone with murderous intentions, either. And that is the point.

    I don't know exactly when helplessness became a virtue in this society, but it certainly hasn't been a change for the better.

  11. No I would not feel comfortable because u never know what a teacher would do with a weapon if a student angered them in a situation. The simple solution to this would be to have an in school marshall dressed as a student (like an air marshall) or to just keep your old fashioned security cops.

  12. Idk.. That's a hard one..? I wouldn't want it cause maybe the teacher some how goes crazy etc. then what if an emergency. IDK ?

  13. So the teacher is actually carrying around the gun?  No way would I want my child in a school that allows that.  

  14. If they had the proper permits I think that it is a good idea. If all teachers carried guns and were only permitted to use them in an emergency it could likely snuff out any school shooters ASAP. Saying "no they cant bring them." is not going to stop a psycho teacher from bringing one in anyway. But this might prevent that psycho teacher from getting anywhere if another teacher has a gun on them.

  15. As long as they kept it locked away from the students I wouldn't care.

  16. If you think about it without a paranoia of guns; the teacher would be able to stop any conflict such as an armed offender entering the school, and they more than likely won't be harming your child. It makes it a much safer environment due to the fact that even the thought of the teacher's ability to use that could stop a would be attack. It isn't an offense, it is defensive.

  17. well, that makes the total guns in that school at about 20. 10 for the bad guys, 10 for the good guys. makes it a little more even now, don't it?  as long as the teachers have to take a gun course in safety and handling. and, so they can hit what thet're aiming at.  i would like to know who, in their right mind thinks a gun locked away is of any use. we wouldn't even have to consider this if they put criminals away. but, they don't.

  18. The reason why they made is legal for the teachers to bring the guns to school is only because the closest sheriffs office is 30 minutes away... I'm not saying i agree with it whatsoever.. i mean the school could have a police officer on patrol at the school if they are that worried about their safety. personally i would not let my child go to school there

  19. That makes no sense. What are they going to do? Shoot people that just want to use the bathroom? Seriously. If I was your kid, you would not have to worry about maybe not taking me to school. I would REFUSE to go to school, when I know my teacher has a weapon in their pocket.  

  20. lol at least the kids would listen!

  21. i mean its not safe for EITHER students or teachers..i can believe the teachers r bringin the weapons cuz they r terrified of children nowadays..who 16 n im terrified of ppl ma age yunger n older..but then again wat if the student n teacher fite n the student gets the weapon frm the teacher..thats going to put everyone in danger...we dont want another columbine shooting or Virgina tech happening do i wuld try to get that vetoed ASAP

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