
Would you feel differently if your child told you that they are g*y?

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so lets say that your child decides to be with the same s*x when he/she gets 18 years old would you still love him/her the same way you did before he/she told you this?




  1. i don't have any kids right now, but i always said i would love any child of mine unconditionally.

    just because i wouldn't agree with that part of their life doesn't mean I would love them any less.

  2. If you really love your child then you will accept any of his/her's lifestyle choices... and you should fully support your child in whatever he/she does because without support from there mother or father your child could become disconnected from you... so no you shouldnt feel different just because of his/her lifestyle choice or sexual preference

  3. Of course I would love my child the same all that matters to me is their happiness in life, they shouldn't have to hide away or be embarrassed about who they are ever!!!

  4. No doubt I would be shocked but of course I would still love them.

  5. I will always be my sons soft place to fall no matter what choices he makes in his future. He's 6 months now and I hope that by the time he is 18 not only will same s*x marriage be legal, but also accepted and understood.

  6. I will always love my daughter no matter what sexual orientation she is.  Nothing could ever change my love for her.

  7. I sure would. I would probably be initially shocked (unless there were obvious signs), but I would never judge or disown them. I would be worried about my husband though, but as far as me I wouldnt mind a bit.

  8. Love the icon! im a L*****n mother... of course i would. i just hope that he does not wait till he is 18. i dont think g*y or not matters. im a mother, i will love him either way. i might be confused some, but i know i will be able to accept it. how can i not? i would hate to be my mom... she has 4 kids, and im the only one who isnt married and is a L*****n.

    g*y or not... they are your children. i hope everyone answers the same. you should love your children no matter what. being g*y is not a choice. so please dont let me hear that it is!

    good luck.

  9. i would feel no different i would still love my son no matter what he does.

  10. I would love my child no matter what but they would not be allowed to discuss their lifestyle in my home nor bring any "partners" around.  My child would certainly have my disapproval be he will always have my love.

  11. No matter what sexuality my child chooses i will always love her the same, and that goes for any future children that i have. Its my childs choice if she wishes to be straight, bi or g*y and either way i will support her and as long as shes happy then i am and if no one else is happy then thats their problem.

  12. I don't know how a parent would be able to judge their children like that.  You love your kids unconditionally, and that includes their sexual preferences when they are older.  I might be shocked at first but I wouldn't let that get in the way of my love for them. As time went by it would just be a normal part of our lives.

  13. Of course I would! It isn't as if my child would have a choice in the matter. I can't choose to be g*y, so how could I expect my child to choose to be straight?

    The gender my child is attracted to does not affect how I feel about him/her. It doesn't change the kind of person my child is.

    It's not as though my child is telling me that s/he is a murderer. S/he is just being honest about his/her sexuality. I would hope that my child would never doubt that my love is unconditional, and certainly not going to be affected by his/her sexual orientation.

  14. I will love my child no matter what path he leads. As parents we all have hopes and dreams for them. And just because it's different that what I'd want for him, it doesn't mean I don't love him. I want him to be happy and feel loved, man or woman.

  15. Well, if my child were to just up and decide one day that they were g*y then I would sit down and talk to her about what is really going on.  People don't just "decide" to be g*y.  Generally if people do decide to be g*y then they either aren't being honest with themselves or they are covering something up.

    If she really is g*y (as in, born that way) then I would love her the same and support her 100%

    I would even move to a more g*y friendly area so that she would be able to date and eventually marry someone that she loves, regardless of their s*x or gender.

  16. i would be really sad and disappointed I'm not even going to lie but i would still love my child no matter what. and no i wouldn't feel any different for her or any other children I'll have in the future if they were to tell me that(which i hope will not be the case for any of them no offense to anyone)

  17. If you did have a child you would know the answer to that question - well I hope it would be YES YES YES of course you would. Whats important is how that person treats my son, not what s*x they are.

  18. MY oldest daughter (20) has had several girlfriends already.  I love them for who they are, not who they date.  I actually joke that I would prefer my daughters dating other girls since there is a lower teen pregnancy rate and STD rate in girl on girl relationships!

  19. I may not agree with it, but I would still love my child.  I can't imagine NOT loving him.  I don't care if he grows horns and says he's the devil, I would still remember the moment I gave birth to him and I knew then I would always love him.

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