
Would you feel guilty if your son or daughter were mad at you for kicking them out of the house and have not?

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spoken to you in four years?




  1. I was 18 when my dad had finally had enough of my laziness, and yes I was extremely upset. But I grew up, and realized that he did it for my best interest. Not only that, I got to meet my better half. It was well worth the learning process. Eventually all kids have to leave home, and if you had valid reasons, they will respect you in the long run for doing so. Six years later I am still apologizing for the stupid little stuff I put him through.

  2. guilty because I missed them yes but you must have had your reasons and tough love is really hard to do.  I have been there and done that and they should be grown up enough to respect you but you know what in this world kids don't appreciate their parents and have no respect

  3. I suppose that, no matter what we do, our children will always be able to make us feel guilty. Don't we find it hard to accept that they become adults with adult responsibilities? I suppose if they leave home to go to university it is easier to make that adjustment for everyone. I suspect that the children find it as hard to adapt to a new relationship even tho they want that independence.

    It also depends on the circumstances and reasons surrounding the ejection.

    I think that the only thing you can do is approach them to see if the time is right to put it all behind you and move on?

    Hope that helps. Good luck

  4. yes because as a mom no matter what you kids do how ever bad you still love them and it hurts to not talk to them.

  5. Well at first you would but then you would have to realize that they have to learn to live on thier own.its a part of life

  6. I currently live with my mother and love her to death but if she kicked me out for a really good reason, like me being an a$$ or something then no. But if you did it because you just wanted them out and they had no place to go then yes. Just try and talk to them and find out what the are mad about.

  7. That depends, why were they kicked out of the house?

  8. It depends.  If it was tough love because of drinking and drugging, I would say no.  I would still reach out to them.  My child would always know that I loved them, and would support them in anything they wanted to do in life.  They would also know that I would not enable any type of drug, or criminal life.  

  9. i still live with my parents, im 27.  i have moved out many times, but due to circumstances they let me come back.  i dont have anywhere to go, and no money, so they are all i have.  i dont know what i would do if they didnt let me come back.  i am working on getting out, but until then, i am sooooooo grateful.  i know why u feel guilty.  i love my mom, and we talk all the time, and i clean the house for them every day.  and now im going to college which should get me a good job.  they are making me pay for school, but they dont just kick me out.

  10. yes

  11. Well why did you kick them out of the house. The reason you kicked them out should tell you why they are so mad. They probably feel deserted and that you don't care about them. I would be mad at you to. Not speaking to you in four years is probably them trying to prove they don't need you to survive.

  12. nope, if that was the case i'm sure i would have had a d**n good reason in the first place!!!

  13. If you had to kick your kid out of the house there was something you didnt teach them as a parent to begin with. How old were they when you kicked them out?

  14. Sure, I would feel bad. Also you have to realize certain things happen in life that can't be explain or talked about rationally. I'm sure many of these things could've been avoided years ago. but peoples ego's and stubborness get in the way. So Now it'll be better if you act like the bigger person and try and get an honest dialogue started. BUT don't act like you are trying to do right, and later come with needless threats and narrow minded responses. That will make the other person a bit upset, and will dwindle the chances of future speakings

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