
Would you feel less safe with a teenage oriental student of martial arts, or an English teenage gang-type?

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The oriental one could probably think of a number of ways to kill you with no weapons, quickly. And be able to do them.

And would you like to see them seriously fall out with each other?




  1. English Teenage Gang-Type

  2. You are safer with the trained MA student, who will be calm and disciplined. A martial arts student (oriental, african, european or any other type) will not be able to "kill you with no weapons, quickly" unless they have shown enough discipline and self-control to earn the relevant techniques.

    The idea that basic martial arts skill will enable an individual to easily apply lethal force IS A MYTH.

    Many violent deaths happen by accident (or luck, where the attacker intended to kill, but had insufficient skill to make this certain), and many people survive attacks that are meant to be lethal.

    A small amount of training will not equip anybody to kill more easily than a random idiot can.

    If you are with a well-trained martial artist, they are likely to be able to defend themself AND you, from an untrained attacker with a knife. Currently, the big media issue is the number of deaths caused by undisciplined idiots carrying knives.

  3. The gang type!!

    If s/he is a true student of one of the martial arts; the student has learned self control, courtesy and humility along with their methods of bashing your head in.

  4. People trained in Martial Arts are disciplined and anger is not an issue. Your normal every day gang member react first and maybe think later. So the answer is, I would feel safer with anyone who is Martial Arts trained.

  5. The English teenage gang type........

  6. Naturally there are no teenage gangs in asia...I feel much safer now

  7. the martial artist...

    most people in gangs are cowards thats why they join gangs... so they dont have to deal with things themselves they feel safer when they have their gang their and can out number you.

  8. Stupid question

  9. As with any type of violence I don;t think i would feel safe with either. English teenage gangs are not necessarily comprised of violent kids, they're just bored and have nothing to do - we on the other hand as society could do something to help but we're too busy being selfish.

  10. Why is the student of martial arts Oriental? That's kind of stereotypical. I'm a white American and I know several martial arts. I've never actually seen any Oriental people in my martial arts classes. But to answer your question... I'd feel safer alone. Less people to protect and less people to get in my way.

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