
Would you feel offended if a man?

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Lets say you requested a man to bring the heavy baggages outside the supermart, would you feel offended if he wont do it?




  1. Men shouldn't even help them in the first place.

    Let them 'prove' their 'equality' for once while men watch them fail.

  2. i'd be like "ight. whatever."

    people overreact these days...

  3. i'd be upset if anyone i asked didnt want to help me whether its a man or woman! i dont ask for help much so if i actually do get the nerve to do so & im be pretty p'd off!...but id get over it & deal w/ the heavy bags on my own!

  4. There are box boys to carry groceries from the market to the car.  This question is not relevant.

  5. If it was his job, yes.  If it was not his job, probably a bit.  Unless there was a good reason.

    I am not sure why I think this way, but it does seem unfair.

  6. Yes, I would. He is the man he, is stronger, he should.

  7. Is this a guy whose job it is to carry people's bags to their car? If so, then yes, it is his JOB, and I'd want to know why I'm being refused service. If not, then no, and it was ballsy of me to even ask.

  8. I would be offended if it was his job(bragger or stacker) man.

  9. I personally wouldn't ask a stranger to help me. But if it were someone with me, I will ask anyone male or female to help me carry the bags.

  10. No, I'd appreciate it. It would say that he respects my ability to carry my own c**p.

  11. Well if you really need help with it, but I would just do it myself... guys don't have to do everything! And why wouldn't you just use a cart?

  12. I can't imagine asking anyone to assist me-but if they declined I wouldn't care since they could have a bad back-could have cancer or a serious illness-or they may just not feel like it and that's a-ok.

    On the other hand-if someone asked me to assist them-I would try my best to help them.

  13. If I had a high risk pregnancy, then I would be offended if a man would not carry my groceries.

  14. well if i asked nicely and even said please and he got an attitude and said he wouldnt...

    Id look at him, shrug my shoulders and say " eh..go f*ck urself"

    then id go grab a cart if the bags were too heavy.

    but ive never been in this situation. if i have ot get alot of stuff when i grocery shop and i am walking..i take a backpack with me.

    more? someone takes me.

    aint got a d**n thing to do with not even one anyhow...its about helping someone out...BodilessBoy.

  15. Why can't I get a shopping cart?

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