
Would you feel safe with Sarah Palin as President if McCain was incapacitated? With Russian, N.Korea & China?

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The Vice President has always been viewed as "a heartbeat away from the Presidency." Envision Sarah Palin with difficult and complex situations around the world. Are you comfortable with placing your children and grandchildren and the future of our country and the world in her hands?




  1. What are you a prof of?? Obviously not political science or law, if you were, then you would know a simple fact like the constitution was amended during the Reagan Era. The VP does not become president when the pres. is incapacitated.

    The office of president passes to the speaker of  the house. Sarah Palin will not get to be president unless she runs for the office and is elected by the electoral college.

  2. No, I'm not comfortable at all with McCain's pick and I usually vote Republican!

    I can't believe McCain asked this woman to be his VP when she has five children, one of them born just months ago and with Down Syndrome.

    These children (esp. the disabled child) need their mother. And I don't care if Sarah Palin is "fresh and new" and ultra conservative. She is in NO way prepared to be the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military and President of the most powerful nation in the world.

    Response to JD - since when did it become sexist to ask a mother to care for the children she CHOSE to have?? what planet are you from?

  3. yes, just as much, and more than placing our future in obama's hands!

    wow, i just read liberty's response. she is a disgrace to women. what a sexist!

  4. I tihnk we have 60 days to decide who becomes president - not automatically the VP in the end.


  5. Probably. We'll find out more about her in the coming weeks.

  6. Safer having her as President  than Obama for sure !   She is a LEADER now and a GREAT ONE!  She has Proved her changes..  Obama has never been a leader or changed anything for the better.

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