
Would you feel safer with Biden or Palin for President?

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Heaven forbid something happened to either McCain or Obama, which is entirely possible this time, which VP is most prepared to defend this country?




  1. Based on the ideas coursing through their brains, I say Palin.  Biden is a hard-core liberal.

  2. I hope to never ever EVER see Biden as President.

  3. Biden most definitely

  4. Taking party lines out of the equation, just look at a few resume bulletpoints side-by-side:

    Joe Biden:

    1) Foreign Relations: Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (2001-Present)

    2) Term Length: Senator for 35 years (1973-Present)

    3) Education: B.A., History, Political Science; J.D.

    4) Notable Domestic Achievement: Wrote the laws to create the U.S. "Drug Czar", who oversees and coordinates national drug control policy

    5) Prior employment: Attorney, Professor

    6) Famous Quote: "People ask if I can compete with the money of Hillary and Barack. I hope at the end of the day, they can compete with my ideas and my experience."

    Sarah Palin:

    1) Foreign Relations: Alaska is next to Russia; has visited troops in Iraq, Kuwait

    2) Term Length: Governor for 20 months

    3) Education: B.S., Communications-Journalism

    4) Notable Domestic Achievement: Sold the prior governor's private jet on eBay

    5) Prior employment: Sports journalist, commercial fisherman, state oil and gas commissioner

    6) Famous Quote: "What is it exactly that the VP does?"

    There's obviously more to consider, but which candidate does it look like you're taking more of a chance with? Which candidate looks like he's been preparing himself for the job for the last 3 decades? There's no contest between Biden and Palin, Biden wins hands down.  

  5. Biden

    Hands Down! Very scary thought having Palin run this country!

  6. Biden and Palin aren't running are they? I'd rather see McCain as presdant than Obama you all can't win this argument give it up

  7. This is an important question.  Heaven forbid is right, but in the past the leaders who have been heavily involved in civil rights have sometimes been killed like the Kennedy's and Martin Luther King Jr., and with Mc Cain's age and the fact that he is going to take on the most demanding job in the world should be something we take very serious.

    I would feel safer with a Senator who has been head of the Senate Committee on Foreign affairs, a no nonsense type of person who I would feel good about turning over the reigns of government to as he has an understanding of how the government runs.  According to Palin she didn't "know what a vice president" did.  This hardly makes her sound like she's ready to be vp on day one much less a president later.

    Who would you feel better with, someone who four years ago was a very knowledgeable senator, or someone serving on a small city board in Alaska?  She's served less than 2 years as Governor of Alaska, which isn't a lot of time with administrative experience.  The only foreign relations experience she can draw upon is Alaska is separated by Russia by the Bearing Straight, that's not experience but mere happen stance.  Her selection was merely an ignorant ploy to get more women to vote for McCain thinking that women vote gender only and are incapable of making decisions based on rational thought on who represents their personal interests the best.

  8. Palin has 100 times the integrity, personal-conviction and authenticity than Biden and Obama combined.

    I'd trust this nation to Palin over Obama OR Biden in a heartbeat.

    Obama's real love is Kenya, second only to his #1 aim of his own personal glory.

    Biden is just another Washington-insider, aged car salesman and  tool.

  9. Palin

  10. I'd feel safer with pretty much anyone other than Biden.   I mean, I'd vote for Gore or even Nader over Biden.    Biden is dishonest on top of every belief he shares with those people.

    That said I'm not voting R, I'm voting L, third time in a row.

  11. Biden....hands down

  12. Biden.

    He has been to places Palin has only seen on the map.  He has met with people that Palin has only read about in the paper.

    Palin has a good resume for someone who is an active citzen and has been a governor (for 20 months)  of a state whose total population is less than 15 U.S. cities.

    An answer for Palin to this question is not an honest or logical answer.  It is a party line answer.

    Biden's name is know throughout the world, not just Alaska or a very small part of the U.S.

  13. Biden, duh.  We don't know anything about Palin's judgment on foreign policy or national security affairs - we already know she has zero experience in that regard.

  14. Palin.

    Democrats and safe don't go together. If Clinton had any brains he would have killed Bin Laden during one of the multiple chances he had, and wouldn't of allowed 9/11 to be planned out on his watch.

  15. BIDEN is ready; unlike Sarah Palin, who can't protect the polar bears, let alone the people of America.

  16. Biden.

  17. Biden....... come on. We met her YESTERDAY. Thsi is a true test of blind loyalty here

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