
Would you fight bear for 10 million dollars?

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you can't use any fire weapons like guns. however you can use anything only baseball bat.. you can make the bear quit or kill with baseball bat...then you get 10 million. would you do it?




  1. for 10 million dollars id fight anything

  2. Yes, but only if it was a Koala, and even they can be vicious little monsters when they're hungry or tired, so it would have to be a well rested and well fed one.

  3. There are many instances where a man killed a bear with bare hands.

    Here is one. A Professor killed a bear with his bare hands.

    i believe many martial artists well versed in the external way will want to fight a bear.

    so as to your question. Under normal circumstances no.

    Unless I am heavily in debt or ... and I need that 10 million urgently and if I don't have 10 million I will die, ... etc

    i.e. You owe the Italian mafias 10 million... etc

  4. Everyone that answered yes, I have 10 million if you win. You guys have no clues as to how strong a bear is. Not to mention the claws and teeth.

    Oh and a win is a submission or a KO.

  5. depends, would that b enough to pay for my injuries, and will i have enough left to buy some expensive  cars and mansion?...then YES

  6. I'm actually looking for an opportunity to fight a bear... I'd fight a bear, no questions asked.

  7. id give it a shot, unless it's a freakishly large bear like 11 ft tall. i'd fight a bear 7 ft and under for 10 mil.

  8. Depends.

    Is the bear a mom with her cubs?

    Has the bear been beaten and left hungry?

    Are we in a cage together?

    If it was in an open setting, where the chances of getting the bear to run away are good, sure.

    If not, no.

    Bears don't like to attack humans, but in the right situations they could easily kill a person.  I don't care what moves you have, a bear can rip a man apart.

  9. let any of the previous answerers walk up to a 700lb black bear in a cage and touch its paw.  Then let them answer again.

    i just got done watching some bear attack videos and them creatures cannot feel pain.   and they thrive off fear.  once was actually shitting itself while winning a fight with another huge bear.

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