
Would you find it offensive if?

by  |  earlier

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I was your daughter and i wanted to change my name for fun?

my mother thinks there is some secret behind me wanting to, that i hate my name or something but really i just want to change it, for a year or so. only for the h**l of it,

It doesnt cost much, dont tell me 'waste of money' or 'are you deranged' but its just something i want to do i would change it back after a while

is it offensive?





  1. If I was your mom, I'd be upset too. I mean, she gave birth to you and took care to name you a beautiful name. Changing your name is not something you do "for fun".  

  2. You shouldn't spend your money, but just get everyone to call you by your new name.

  3. She chose that name for you, it's special to her. You are basically insulting her choice in names if you change it. Why bother if you want to change it back? The hassle isn't just the money, but a whole host of other things that will have to be changed.

      I changed my name for religious reasons. To this day (now 6 years later) I don't speak to my mother about it. We pretend I've never done it, and she turns her head when someone calls me by my new name, but I know it hurt her, even after I explained my reasons (which were more thought out than, "I just feel like it!")

  4. What is your name lol

    I think if it will make feel better

    then you have the right to change it

    Although sticking with the name you are born with is also good

    You may consider changing the spelling or something

  5. I say do it. What the h**l, why not right?

    No, I don't think that it is offensive. You just want to have some fun, and change just for the sake of change.  

  6. Not really offensive, but if my daughter wanted to do this I'd find it more confusing and I'd be worried that she was going through some identity problems.

    You should think hard about this and the consequences it could have - it may seem like fun now, but people you've known for a long time will continue using your birth name, whereas new friends will use your new name - then what happens when you change back?

    It could be a big mess !

  7. Well, I think that it is offensive...whether you think it or not. And the fact that you find it silly fun is kindof odd too. Like you do not care that your mother thought long and hard about your name that she gave you and imagine calling you by that name when you were in her womb. I think that you are attention craving. But its not just the money that you will be spending because you do realize it will cost you more in the long run. Like A. if you have a driver's license, that will have to be change, you will be issued a new Birth Certificate. All bills and mailings will have to be changed, any memberships or accounts will have to be change IE bank accounts, movie rental accounts, insurance. I mean if you just a kid than non of this applies and your just wasting you time. You would be better off having people give you a nick name.  

  8. yes i would because that would be how i named you and how i have called you all your life. Your name is not just a name, it is your identity, it means more than "just a name".


  10. Its not a good idea to change your name. You will be stuck with your new name and People that do not know you changed it will always call you by your birth name anyways. Yes I would be kinda offended if my daughter changed her name cause it would seem like she did not like it. Unless you have a weird name that you get teased about I would not change it.  

  11. is your name

    gaylord or something

    like the fockers

    cuz thats messed up

    thats like a mothers gift

  12. Yes, I would be offended. I think you have an alternative reason for wanting to change your name.

  13. I would be offended and assume that there was more to it.  Most people don't change their name just because they find it boring, but then maybe if it was your personality, I would come to expect impulsive things like that.  If you were like most people though, I would be mildly offended.  Most parents put a lot of thought into the names they pick.

  14. She's just worried, pretty much thinking it's a waste of time and money. Which it is.

  15. Well, its your property, your mom doesnt own you.


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