
Would you find it weird if somebody in your class at school came up to you and asked you...?

by  |  earlier

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What your name was, what grade you were in, etc? Say it's the first couple days of school and neither person knows eachother.




  1. no

  2. nope

  3. No, not really.

  4. No.  They're just trying to make a connection with you.  The only weird thing about it is that people are rarely so bold when they see someone they view as a potential friend.

    If someone starts asking for your phone number, or your blood type or something less 'ice breaking' when they first meet you, then you should worry.

  5. If they were that blunt, then yes, it would be weird. But if these questions were part of an overall conversation, then it wouldn't be weird.  

  6. Well if they just randomly went straight up to my face and did that, then yes it's weird and sort of rude.

    If they were just calmly asking like trying to strike up a conversation, then it would be okay.

  7. nope, I think it's pretty normal

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