
Would you find this odd?

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My child has been in preschool for 2 weeks. She has undergone the "regular testing" ie. check for: lice, vision problems, hearing problems, speech... My 3 (almost 4) yr old was sent home with a packet after the speech testing. The teacher briefly told me, "They think she needs speech therapy, but I don't see anything to worry about." Now, I can understand testing all the kids for lice (can be spread)...but why are they testing for everything else? Her pediatrician just did those screenings 3 weeks ago.

Also, the testing was not done by the health department (government ran just like the school system) was done by individual doctor's offices. The packet that was sent home was for parents to fill out insurance information, personal data (like what was going on with pregnancy of child), etc.

Never once did the entire packet mention what was wrong with her speech. What do you think...or is this not a cause of concern for you???




  1. I would get a second opinion.

  2. Call the Child Care Licensing agency or The Department of Protective and Regulatory Services for your city and ask them if this type of testing is required.  If you suspect any thing is wrong, you can also report the facility to DPRS.

  3. that definitely sounds like a concerning issue that they would do that at her school.  You and her doctor know your child best, follow that advice. Maybe she was just uncomfortable with getting a test!

    they send the insurance stuff home with all the kids, don't get anything because they advertise through the school systems.

  4. yes

  5. I'd say nothing to worry about - I teach at a private school, and my daugher had to take speech, because she could not say her R's.. I was given a chart giving the ages and the sounds.. different ages, different sounds.. like the R's.. if they are not said properly by age 7, then they are put in speech.. if that is the only sound that is not being done.. th's at another age.. so they will keep an eye on your daughter's speech, and if her speech does not develop properly, they will test her again later, and contact you.  Usually the pediatrician does not test for speech.  They test vision, hearing, all the rest..but they leave speech up to the teachers and schools.  If they are only going to keep an eye on it, they will do that, and then if she does end up requiring speech therapy, they will contact you by phone, or note saying they need to have a meeting with you, and the principal, and have a whole big packet of papers for you to fill out in order for you to bring with you to the meeting.  And then once she is in speech, you'll get regular updates I think 1x a quarter, and she will get speech 1x a week, or perhaps 2x a week.  Hope this helps.

  6. Yes.  They should not need your insurance.  If they are government run and suggest therapy they should pay for it and have the therapist come to the preschool, just like any other government run school would.

  7. Well, I definitely wouldn't send any of the info back...the school doesn't need to be giving out your personal health or insurance info to a doctor that you didn't choose.  Your child's pediatrician already has that info, has already done the testing, and though her school can offer the tests and therapy, they can't require it.

    This info is protected by law (HIPAA Act) and nobody except the professionals you choose (and your personal insurance company) has any right to it.

    I would say to send the info to your daughter's pediatrician.  S/he can tell you if this is legitimate or somebody trying to milk your insurance for unnecessary or un-asked for treatment.

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