
Would you find this rude or offensive?

by  |  earlier

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If someone did this to you would you be offended? Or would you get mad?




  1. Man I would be so angry if someone did that lmao but seriously, that's gross.

  2. It would be hilarious if the victim wasn't a little girl.  

  3. I would be soo mad i would beat the s*** out of that person OMG

  4. I would get mad. It would be the last thing they ever did......

  5. Why do you think this question is necessary...Who wouldn't be offended or not get mad, better yet end up in jail if they caught the fool.

  6. duh what do you think????  can I do that to you and then ask you if you are afffended then you would have your anwser.

  7. Beyond rude and offensive.

    No wonder he picks on small children with this - adults would beat the h**l out of him for doing this.

    Hope the sick bastage gets caught soon.

  8. Yes I would be very offended.  It's not funny nor would they like if another guy did that to them.

    Edit:  Add more people to your 360 lol

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