
Would you fire an employee for not paying child support?

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Would you fire an employee for not paying child support?




  1. That would not be an option.  You can't fire someone without just cause and lack of paying child support is not a just cause.  You would have the burden of proof that they were not doing their job if they were to take you to court. They could come back with a major lawsuit for being fired for no reason and could possibly come at you with a lawsuit for discrimination.  Not a smart idea.  

  2. I would not think highly of that person for not paying child support, but if they did their job well, no, I would not fire them.

  3. Absolutely.  How can I trust someone who violates the order of a court?  How can I trust someone who fails in what may be the most important obligation in his life, the obligation to support his own child?  How can I respect someone who so disrespects his own child?

    The best way out would be to participate in garnishment of wages, so that some of the employee's pay goes to child support with each paycheck.  I would rather not lose a valued employee.

  4. Actually Amy, you can fire the guy for whatever reason you want, just as long as it's not because of a protected class (race, gender, etc)

    And that other guy got it right on the head, firing him isnt doing the mother any favors because he definently wont be paying if he doesnt have a job.  I would try to talk to him or encourge the mother to take him to court.

  5. No  I woulnt, unless the employee was working for me and had to pay me child support, then I would look for a reason to sack him

  6. no, then how are they suppose 2 pay....

  7. no

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