
Would you fire your driver's ed instructor just because he did a little coke?

by Guest61482  |  earlier

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I mean give me a break, this community is so uptight. It's my money! I'm asking for a friend.




  1. No... Hah, Cocaine is like poppin a couple Ibuprofen these days.. Every ones doing it!

  2. Not only would he get fired, but he would also get charged for reckless endangerment (if driving under the influence).

  3. Well, if you can get out of it without having to pay a fine, why not? I had a driving instructor who was rather condescending and rude, but he was like that to everyone.

    I was freaked out, however, to find out he had commented on one of his other customers, saying she was "very well-developed". As far as I know he never actually did anything inappropriate, but he was skeezy all the same.

  4. Yes, I would, in a heart beat.  Doing drugs is irresponsible, sets a horrific example and is dangerous.  What about the whole 'illegal' thing...laws exist for a reason.

  5. omg i wouldnt want him being my instucter!!!

  6. Yeah, I probably would, because if he has such a disregard for the law, I would wonder if he was teaching me the proper laws of the road.

  7. you are joking, right? why is your question in the preschool category anyway? "doing a little coke" - you may think it's cool, but it's very uncool for an educator. yes, they should be fired. sorry for being uptight.

  8. Yes.

  9. WTF yes!

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