
Would you forgive Sadam Hussein?

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Would you forgive Sadam Hussein?




  1. i was never upset with him in the first place,  Saddam never did anything to me. why would i need to forgive a guy who never hurt me in anyway whats so ever?

  2. I think its a bit late for that, seeing as he is no longer with us.

  3. Forgive him for what? he never harmed me so what is to forgive He never did nothing to me and Iraq was quite stable when he was in power. I am not GOD AND I WILL NOT JUDGE ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. NO.  I do not forgive the unrepentant.

  5. Nope, but why kill him? I would make him suffer! I would have tortured him and kept him in prison, in awful conditions, then killed him when he gets old!

  6. To late for that.

  7. Right before I forgive Hitler.

  8. I'm sure God has forgiven him and probably has condemmed all of us (I hope not).  I think he deserved to die for what he did to his people, but does killing someone really the right way to get even?

  9. Sadam did nothing wrong, so, no reason to forgive.

  10. h**l NO!!  Kill him!  I am an American and love my country!

  11. Yes, I would forgive him. I believe the war in which the world had with him was wrong. But that is not the reason i would forgive him. There is a great documentary on BBC that talks about the Hussein family. Whether it can be trusted i do not know. But it portrays Hussein as a normal man, with slightly strange ambitions.

    I would forgive that man, as I believe everybody should have the capacity to forgive.

  12. Yes, your question should be, "should we forgive America?"

  13. Yes

    (I just like to be different)

  14. Seems a little late now, him being dead and all.

    But if he was responsible for the death of any of my family members, no I don't think I would forgive him.

  15. I would forgive but never forget--and just because I would forgive him does NOT mean that I think he should get away scott free---I think he should get the death penalty--there are always consequences for our actions--the bible states that plainly~~

  16. definately not.

  17. No.

  18. Only God can forgive his sorry azz, thats why he's burning in h**l right now asking for forgiveness.

  19. What do you mean forgive? He's DEAD. Kinda too late to forgive. Lulz

    He used to stick people in those large paper cutters.

    Feet first, so the victim can see his body being eaten.

    What a f*g.  

  20. He's dead, so what on earth is there to forgive?

  21. This man was definitely a tyrant, however I was not put on this earth to be judge nor jury.  

    He's dead now so he's already met his judgment day.

  22. Nope.

    He deserved to die and get overthrown.

  23. Never done anything to me.

    And Irak seems more ****** up now than it was with him.

  24. Would you like the maker to forgive your fuckups one day?  

  25. Jake G's got a point, but I don't think the Kurds would so quick to forgive..

  26. No way.

    He was a sick sick man who killed so many innocent people.

    He got what he deserved.

  27. No. He deserved to hang like he did.  

  28. no. but i wouldn't kill him. you can't kill a killer. them you will be no better than he is... or was.

  29. Why not he did nothing to me; and do you not see the price of gas since he was terminated by us. We drove in miss directed by George W. Bush and we need to get out of there post hast. All we are really doing is giving the nut heads more reasons to hate us.

  30. Not our business to forgive him, especially since he is already dead.  But I think a better question would be WOULD YOU FORGIVE GEORGE BUSH.  He got us into this war for reasons that were later proved not to be correct.  Since then we have lost over 4,000 of our service men and women in that war, which should never have taken place anyway.

    You have to understand that middle eastern philosophy is not what ours is here in the USA.  Life is cheap in those countries while here in ours each life is valued.  At least while Sadam was in power there was relative peace in Iraq.  Then when we invaded and at last caused his death, the various power groups started fighting and killing one another.

    But I do not forgive George Bush and would not be enthusiastic about voting for John McCain since he has given indications that he intends to follow Bush's policies.

  31. h**l NO! id kill him again and turn his body in for the $$$$$$$$$$$

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