
Would you forgive your friend if they... ?

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Told you that they were abused. And you thought it was a very serious situation so you took it upon yourself to help her by telling a trusted adult (like you're always told to do) and after investigation you find out it was a huge hoax put on by your friend and a bunch of other people.

And now you've wasted the trusted adults precious time and you look like an idiot.

Is that forgivable. Because I'm sooo pissed.




  1. I don't know if this has any truth behind it but perhaps she really was abused but once you told someone she lied to cover it up. I don't know just a thought. But if she really did lie then you should definitely be done with her. A friend is suppost to be someone you can trust and she obviously isn't. She played with your feelings no matter what her excuse was and you truly cared about her and tried to help her. Wash your hands of her, unless ofcourse you think my first response is in anyway possible. Then she would need you more than ever.  

  2. I don't think I would forgive her. She almost ruined someone's life (the one who was accused) and betrayed you. Doesn't sound like much of a friend. I'd ignore her.

  3. i would forgive her, but still remember that she lied to you. i wouldn't trust her with secrets or information you don't want a lot of people knowing. but you can still be kind of friends.

  4. I think your friend has some attention issues....

    Let yourself cool down about it, then forgive, forget and move on.

  5. I would not forgive her, abuse is not a joke.

  6. I would forgive her, but I wouldn't be her friend.

    In this world, people need to learn to forgive. But you don't need to hang out with her at all. She lied about being abused, but she just abused your friendship.

    Forget her and move on.


  7. No, never unless they paid more than Bill Gates' net worth timsed by Micheal Jackson's.

  8. I would forgive, but I wouldn't forget. And I wouldn't be friends with that person again. As the first poster said, if she lied once, she'll lie again. And to lie about something that serious is ridiculous. I knew a girl in high school that lied about being raped, pregnant, and abused by her boyfriend. No one wanted to deal with her drama and no one wanted to be her friend.  

  9. A friend who will lie once, will lie again.

    You were being a good friend, she wasn't. I wouldn't even consider being friends with them again.

    She abused your good friendship.

  10. well personally i would say no she or he has made their choice to lie. but it is your decission and only you know the answer to that . take care. think outside the square and put yourself in her position and see how you would react if you were her.

  11. Never.  She lied and now you can't trust her.  Her dad must feel horrible too.  Abuse is not a joke.  It seems like she's desperate for attention and what she did was a horrible way to get it.  

  12. hey girl...

    forgive, i think you should forgive your friend.

    However, like someone else said, a friend who lied once will lie again. I dont think this is the correct attitude a friend should take...why would a friend lie to you this way? maybe you should find new and better friends!!!

  13. No way. Lieing is crossing the line. She made you look foolish on purpose. Find a better friend.

  14. yeah u could forgive her.. but never forget .. ever

    and she is NOT a very good friend !!!! :o

  15. no

  16. hahaha sweetie dont worry im not laughing at you. im laughing at those sorry pieces of S**T that call themselves people. thats not something to kid around about. i was actually really abused and noone in my school believed me because my dad gave me everything so i kept my mouth shut about it. i let it happen for 4 years before i turned him in. so in my opinion they are not true friends. they are not true humans.

    this kid could have gotten her dad arrested by lying about something like that. honestly at your guys' age i loved to fight because of the hatred i had for my dad (the one person i was supposed to trust) i would have hit her when i found out.

    to me you sound like a very honest and very true friend. these people are liars. you are too good to be any of their friends. i would never forgive someone for doing that to me. and please dont feel like an idiot. we need more people in this world like you who see something serious happening and run for help. its not your fault that they lied. just stay strong and find BETTER friends. forget about any of the people involved in this "HOAX"

    all my love and good luck <33

  17. i'm afraid you were the one who was abused in this whole thing.

    i myself have had major trust issues in the past and i still do today. i am also a naturally caring person, so if somebody told me they were abused then i would do whatever i could in my power to help that person. however, if i found out that it was all a lie, i would more than just freak out. i could never believe a word that person said, and i would not ever be their friend again. and i think you should just stop being friends with that girl for your own sake. she misused your trust and held you for a fool while you tried to help her with good intentions and now are embarassed about it. but dont worry, you did the right thing, and dont let this discourage you from telling an adult should this situation come up ever again with someone else. abuse is a horrible thing, dont let that girl make you lose your trust in everybody.

  18. :o That it one of the worst things I've ever heard! No, don't forgive her - I'm sure real people who have been abused wouldn't. She's made you look like a prat - bugger her.

  19. Being abused as a child myself, I find that this is something that is completely dispicable to lie about. No, I would not forgive my friend if I were you. And I would tell the people who believed you that you did not know she was lying, and you are sorry that you accidentally misled them.

  20. DONT FORGIVE HER srry caps ><

    a friend that will lie onece will lie again.

    she abused ur friendship  

  21. No, I wouldn't forgive her. I would tell her that I have no intention of forgiving her. Imagine the trouble and pain she would have put her father through, and that is just inexcusable. For all the people who truly are abused out there, it makes them look bad, because people will begin to doubt them because silly girls like her lie. She needs to know the severity of what she's done. And blackmailing is an excuse. She could have told a trusted adult that people were trying to make her say these allegations. I think you are better off not socializing with people like that, you don't want to be branded as the 'liar's mate'. Hope I can help. x*x

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