
Would you get a parrot,bunny, or hamster?

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I am trying to dicide which animal I should parents say I have to choose but I can't docide!!




  1. a parrot, i've already got a hamster and a bunny XD

  2. BUNNY!! My bunny is a little over a year old and I love him. I was not ready for a dog and I do not like cats so I thought a bunny would be interesting! =) To say the least, he has taught me to be patient and enjoy the moment. Bunnies are usually clean animals since they can be litter box trained and they like the place they live in the be clean. Just always provide hay, greens (fruits & veggies), and pellets. Also they need at least an hour to two hours of play a day... other than that, they are content in their cage or on your lap! =)

  3. Parrots can outlive you easily and the vet bills aren't cheap-if you can't afford the vet bills, don't get one.  With the lifespan that parrots have there is no excuse for not taking them in for annual exams and at the first sugn of illness.  Even parakeets are supposed to live 25-30 years...not that most owners can take good enough care of them.  Despite their popularity, parakeets are not a beginner bird-start with finches first.

    Rabbits are pretty good although they need space *INSIDE* (not outdoors) that is partially cleaned daily and aren't very bright.  Other than that they make pretty good pets and can be very friendly.  Go to for a really good cage that is far less than any you'd find in a pet store.  They're sold as being for guinea pigs but they have nearly the same requirements as rabbits and the covered version of the cages work really well.

    Hamsters are cranky, even if played with daily.  They are also almost fully nocturnal so playing with them during the day isn't good for them.  Stink factor is the same or a little worse than with a rabbit.  Time used for cleaning is about the same too as for a rabbit.  A golden hamster can live as long as 14 years believe it or not, I'm not kidding-that's how old mine was.  I am also certain that he was not switched for a couple of reasons.  One, I knew his exact markings and the little unique spots that only he had.  Two, his personality was very unique among hamsters.  Three, my family did not believe in sheltering kids from the realities of life such as pet death, everything had a reason and years before I ever thought of getting a hamster I had already dealt with several pet deaths.  My family has had a number of hamsters over the years and except for that one ancient one, they were horrid pets.  That, and many people assume their hamster is dead when it's only hibernating and throw it out or bury...while it's still actually alive.

    All things considered, get a rabbit unless space is a bit issue in which case, get a hamster.

  4. Ok well parrots are really cool but if you get one you normally have to get 2 or else they are never going to shut up. Plus the area around their cages are always dirty cuz the throw food and stuff out of the bars of their cages.

    Bunnies are super cute but if you dont have a really tame one they arent going to let you touch them. And if you live in a place where it gets really cold like 50 and under than youre going to have to keep them inside which would suck cuz they smell and c**p all over the place. If you got one i would recommend keeping it outside in a hutch.

    Which leaves hamsters my personal favorite. Hamsters are really cute and they don't smell at all. and they arent hard to take care of

  5. i like bunnies the best, but.....parrots, way too expensive, they scream, make noise, stink, and can be very sensitive, they are in general high matinence, and can also bite and cleaning out their cage is such a pain....bunnies stink and can be very sickly, but its better...hamsters are your best choice....they are small, they dont stink that bad, they arent that sensitive, and they can entertain you very easily....but, its what you want and what your parents limits its still your choice!!! would you rather have a cute, soft bunny that makes lots of messes, or a screaming parrot, or a cute little hamster??? your decision!

  6. They are all extremely different and have different needs. You need to decide by which one you have time for and want to take care of. Parrots live like 50 years! That's a HUGE commitment! Bunnies can be messy, need big cages, and i hear they aren't too cuddly. Hamsters are easy to take care of but they have a tendency to bite and they stink unless you clean their cage once a week.

    it's up to you, not us.

  7. A Bunny,, I Have 2 And They Just Had  A Litter of 7!


  8. bunny

  9. Do research! Google is a wonderful invention.

    These are 3 VERY different animals.

    Do you have time for a parrot? Do you have the money for a parrot? They need a VERY large cage (They run about 300 bucks, new). Plus, they need HOURS of time out of the cage interacting with you. Hours, not just one hour.. 3-4 at least. Do you have time for that every day? They also live VERY VERY long lives.

    That's just a little bit about parrots. I haven't even mentioned bunnies or hamsters. You should just do tons of internet research and think realistically about what you can handle. I know some pets seem cool and cute, but if you can't give them proper care you should get them. Just get what you think you are able to handle. :) Good luck!

  10. well it depends rabbits SMELL!!! trust me my neighbors have them and OMG nasty! idk  i've always wanted to get a parrot you can teach them how to talk and what not. hamsers smell too but they are a lot of fun. they are adorable even if they get old

  11. i have a bunny and he is the joy of my life :D

    parrots bight hard i know from experience my grandmas friend pam has written three bird books and currently has a parrot which squacks loudly and bights hard.

    i had 2 hamsters which both died very fast

    they dont live very long and if u leave the cage open tend to run away

    we found mine in my purse but he was still alive then

    rabbits are the perfect animals  to have

    email me and we can talk

    because do u want an indoor or outdoor?

    i got a rabbit because at my school their was this lady whose son had all these animals and i asked whih one would be a good pet for me and she said a pigmy rabbit but i could never find one so my mom has supprised me with a mini lop eared ive had him since february and he is so cute

    he licks my hand to be affectionate and runs around me and jumps in my lap. i can sit there and watch tv with him and he wont pee on the couch because ive trained him. :D

    u have to be willing to take care of him and clean his cage once a week and the pan twice if u want to house train him

    thats my oppinion

    and here is the name of the source that i got all my info on

    i got the book from petco and have injoyed reading it

  12. Have you done any research whatsoever on any of these animals? All three are very different, and bunnies and parrots are A LOT of work.

    Let's start with parrots. First and foremost, they live more than fifty years. For that and that alone you should not get a parrot. You're a kid, you don't know what your life is going to be like when you get older and if you're going to have the time or the money to take care of a parrot. And they are a lot of work. Without proper training, socialization, and exercise they can be very naughty and loud. Do you have 5 hours a day to devote to it?

    Next to bunnies. Bunnies can live 15+ years and like parrots they are expensive. Cages alone cost $100 and vet bills for the first year will be around $200. They also need at least 3 hours out of their cage a day, and that doesn't mean you holding it because rabbits do not like to be held. They will chew anything and everything that they can, especially wires so you will need to find or make a room in the house that is bunny proofed for them to be in.

    Hamsters are much more practical pets for a child. They live only 2 or 3 years and are relatively low maintenance.

    Please please please do A LOT of research before buying a pet and do not buy a parrot!

  13. i would get a bunny

    they are sooo cute and funn

  14. parrots are the most commitment and live to be very old, make sure there wings are clipped,if you are not home alot getting it a friend would be suggested.  bunnies are a lot of work but very fun and hampsters are the easiest

  15. Hamster.. It'z smaller.. So u can take care of them easier..

    And.. It'z cute.. =)

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