
Would you get an abortion just because your husband doesn't want a baby?

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I am having symptoms and my husband said that I better not be pregnant. I told him that if I am, we will just do what we have to do to take care of our second child. We now have a 6 year old. He said that he doesn't want another child and I said that he should have thought of that before he took the condom off. Am I wrong? I would not be able to live with myself if I ended the liffe of a child even one that is not yet born.




  1. Abortion is easy, living with the pain is the hardest thing ever!!!!!

    Take time, this will be with you for the rest of your life.

    If you do this for your husband, and you don't want it you will not be a couple very long, you will end up hating him.  then you will part with a child not knowing why, seek help now, before it is too late.

  2. No, but I would get a divorce. There's no way I'd be able to have a healthy relationship with a man who acts like some irresponsible child and can't take responsibility for his actions.  

  3. no way

    abortions are not right

    you are taking away a life its the same as murder!!

    i would never be able to live with myself if i did but if i was ill and there was a risk that the baby may die at birth or hardly live long enough to have a life then maybe but not if both i and the baby were well would i be able to

    plz help:;...


  4. Shame on him.

    Have your baby and if he decides to leave then so be it.

    Good luck.

  5. listen if he didn't want anymore kids you should have been taking birth control and since you wasn't he knew there was a chance you could still get pregnant he'll just have to deal with it if you are  

  6. This will sound crude but it's simple.

    Is the child better off living or not getting the chance?

    Sometimes a child that never got a life might be better than the child that got a horrible one. That's what I believe. By the way.. Even if your husband/partner looks happy it doesn't meen it's so. It's a d**n scary thing.

  7. no i wouldnt and i dont agree with abortions, purely because i was told id never have kids and now carrying my first baby so id never dream of it. it takes 2 to make a baby and he needs to face up to his responsibility, its not the babies fault and they shouldnt be punished for their parents mistakes. this is a choice only you can make, its your body and your baby,make sure you think carefully so you know you wont regret your decision. good luck.

  8. Divorce the husband if he cant be reasonable. Keep the baby of course!

  9. if you don't want to do it then DON'T DO IT

    it's your body and it's your baby!

    you know at first when i got pregnant of my second baby my daughter was only 7 months old that was an huge shock, we didn't want an another baby so soon, but a few days later when you get used to the idea you already love that little one and my boyfriend was overwhelmed.  Let him some time to think about it all.and don't do something that you don't want even if he is your husband. if he really loves you he'll understand you...

  10. no, why dont he stop having s*x or wear protection if  he doesn't want to deal with the repercussions

  11. You are absolutely correct if he didn't want another child he should have left the condom on.You are not wrong to say that and you would regret having an abortion i did.Stand up for what you believe in.

  12. my partner begged me to abort my 4th his first but like you there was no was i kept the baby he hated me for 9mths and then when our son was born he was the happiest his ever been were having our 4th in dec good luck hun and your right if you dont want kids use protection i have to agree with amkii id get rid of a man befor a child a childs for life

  13. If you are pregnant "life"  is in you, not him. When it's time to get an ultrasound take him with you and let him see the life that is in you. If that doesn't wake him up you might need to abort your husband. He shouldn't treat a pregnant woman like that and he should never put that kind of worry on you. Shame on him.

  14. Thats a tough one hun, me personally, i wouldnt have an abortion, its not the baby's fault, so i wouldnt be able to take his/her life away. the way i see abortion is, you wouldnt kill a new born baby would you? its no different, its just living in your belly. I think he's being totally unreasonable saying that to you, i'd take a test asap, and see the outcome, until then, i wouldnt talk about the subject to him anymore until you know if you are or not, otherwise it might wind him up even more. if you do find out you are, Look at it this way, im sure you'd put your current child infront of him, yes? im sure any mum would, so put this one before him, too. Need a chat anytime, im here, my email is  

  15. I would end the marriage if it were me. You aren't wrong. He should have gotten a vasectomy if he didn't want anymore children. If my husband had ever said something like that to me, it would be grounds for instant separation. Good Luck! Stand up for yourself and your children!

  16. For what it is worth, I would not abide by such a mean and cold-hearted statement. Though I am a male, my feelings are very strong. This baby is your baby, and means so very much to you. His statement demanding you end its life is insensitive to your needs and that of the fetus. It is a shameful statement, and one which you should discuss with him further.

    No matter the effect on my life, I would never demand a woman to have an abortion. Despite the consequences, I would own up to my responsibility.

    Granted, it was your husbands decision to continue with the condom off. He was man enough to help create a life, is he man enough to own up to his responsibility?

  17. I would absolutely not!  I would tell him that he helped make the baby too, and being a man he should be able to live up to the consequences.  

  18. No way.  You are exactly correct.  If he did not want another baby, he should not have taken the condom off.  I would have my baby no matter what.  He is you husband and he loves you.  He will support you no matter what.  Keep your baby.  Enjoy your 2nd child.  Ya'll will manage just fine.  

  19. I will tell you a story my dad tried to force my mom to get an abortion with me, they already had two kids. My mom refused, he was an a.s.s.hole throughout her whole pregnancy, even locked her out the house during the blizzard of 78'. She had me anyway and was so happy because all her life she wanted a girl and she believes God blessed her with me because she didn't get an abortion. She did get her tubes tied because she didn't want to go through that type of stress again while pregnant. As for my dad I am the ONLY one of his children that even acknowledges him, the only one he can call, the only one who even takes the time to visit him. I know he feels like an idiot because the one baby he wanted to turn his back on is now the only child he has that won't turn their back on him. It's funny how things play out.

    So my advice to you is KEEP THAT BABY!!!!! If you don't want an abortion don't have an abortion. If your husband doesn't want to have any more childern DON'T get your tubes tied, tell him to get a d**n vasectomy, the jerk. My mother should have never had to alter her reproductive organs because she married an idiot who didn't want to alter his.

  20. You're absolutely not wrong. The child has the right to live and your husband should have thought about the risks before deciding not to use a condom. You're going to have to tell him that it's your decision. Plus, I have to say that him saying, "you better not be pregnant" is incredibly inconsiderate considering you have no choice in the matter. Best of luck to you!

  21. It's not really the babies fault ur husband doesnt want a baby so it shouldnt have to suffer.

    I wouldn't get the abortion if I were you!

  22. eaisier said then done

    the women end up taking caring of the baby for the most part anyway

    your husband has a say but at the end you make a choice

    but I would NEVER get that because someone SAID to get done....

  23. "Would you get an abortion just because your husband doesn't want a baby?" No. If I wanted the baby, I'd still have it. Who cares if the husband doesn't want it? Not me. I'd divorce the husband before I'd have the abortion.

  24. No abortion is murder

  25. He knew what he was doing when he took the condom off.  It's just sad that your child may suffer due to his father's ignorance.  I wouldn't EVER consider abortion, but perhaps adoption.  You need to do what's right for your own situation.

  26. You are not wrong! If he wanted to take the condom off then he needs to face up to his responsibility.

    The thing is, whether he does want the baby or not, its your body and you have to decide whether it's something you could put yourself though physically and emotionally. It's a big decision and will need a LOT of thinking about!

    Personally if my fiance wanted me to get rid of our baby, I'd be showing him the door. I'm strong enough to cope without him, but I'm not so sure how I'd cope with knowing I got rid of it just because of him!

    What ever decision you come to I wish you luck :)

  27. well looks like you have got a bit of a problem there BUT YOUR ABOUSLTY RIGHT he took it off so its not your fault but you have to look at this 50/50 my advice DONT GET A ABORTION

    look at it this way:

    your first chid will have a little bro or sis

    so have your little baby i dunno its all up 2 you

    (ps im only 13)

  28. he should have thought about it before he had s*x without a condom. i would not have an abortion just because my husband doesn't want another child. ide tell him that i would divorce him before i got rid of a living being inside of me. people like that make me so mad. if my husband ever said that to me i would leave him.

  29. It's your body, why didn't you use the pill.

    Don't see why your blaming him for not using a condom, it's really both your fault.

    Your other choice is giving it up for adoption.

  30. No!!!!!!!!!!!

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