
Would you get back together with a guy who broke up with you with this text message?

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"Since you've been gone i've been thinking a lot about me,you,us,my past which i have never spoken to you about,my future,and our future.The few months i have been with you was sweet and i have no regrets our paths crossed.But the longer i stay with you,the longer i would be fooling myself that our relationship would become something very special.I've been in touch with my ex g/f who i truly love deep down and after much deliberation we are going to give our relationship another shot.I realise now there is only one happiness in life-to love and to be loved.And ultimately i want to be sincere toards you." So now he called me and asked me to get back together.If that was you what would you do?




  1. i wouldnt do anything...that doesnt deserve a response

  2. i don't think you should be take him back.  when was he in touch with his ex?  when he was still with you?  It seems to me that maybe he wants you back because his ex doesn't  move on with your life and find someone who truly loves you good luck

  3. he's treating you a lot like a "back up" girlfriend.

    I would probably dump him.

  4. h**l no. Who on earth does he think he is? Dumping you by text is so low. Don't degrade yourself by replying to his call. Move on and get over him. Next.

  5. It's obvious he has no class--he dumped you for somebody else over the phone.   He said he loved his ex, let him get back together with her!  My b.s .detector  smells a rat.   He's looks and acts like a man who will let you down.  There's a saying (translated from the Spanish) that goes:  It is better to be alone than in  bad company.  Good luck!

  6. If you get back w/ him, you will be serving him what little pride you had left on a platter. Keep your pride, and don't even give him the time of day!! He is very shallow! He is also what some people call a "fair-weathered" partner. In other words, he'll love you and think the world of you one day because there's nothing else happening, but once something happens to make him think his world can be even better, he can shut off those feelings of "love" he had just yesterday for you, and be able to dump you in such a demeaning way (thru txt mess) the very next day. Don't be his "convenience" for him!! In other words, don't be there for him whenever it's convenient for him, no matter what he does to you! He will only continue to have little or no respect for you. He will keep playing w/ your mind knowing he can, because he will think he can do all of those degrading things to you, and you will still come back to him everytime!  If you have to say something to the jerk, just tell him "Game Over!!"

  7. No way.  He broke up with you in a TEXT MESSAGE????? wt$%#@@%#!  IIt sounds like he is on the rebound again, after his ex must have dumped him again!

    Find somebody who knows FOR SURE that you are the one... otherwise he's not worth your time!

  8. That sounds like a desperate attempt for some last minute booty call. Even if he was the ultimate boyfriend ever don't do it mans. I mean he gets all that passionate, dumps you like that and is now calling you because "you really are the one I love!" BS BS BS I bet he couldn't get back with his ex he so deeply loves. The text message deserves an A in cheesiness and crapola.

  9. What a BS artist. Don't trust or believe him one bit. He is a manipulator of the first order!

  10. Get rid of da bum.

  11. No way would I get back with him! How cheap to leave that message on your cell phone, and now he wants to get back with you. I would tell him he blew his chance and that your not some yo-yo that gets played with!

  12. It's obvious that he thinks your both gullible and still head over heals in love with him. But, it's up to you to prove him wrong. He can only come back into your life if you let him back in. It's up to you to make the choice on how you want to deal with the situation. You can:

    a. let go and let god. Realizing that no matter how much paint you put on a tiger, you'll never be able to change his stripes

    b. give in, let this man back in your life, and deal with the same old b.s. you where dealing with before. Me personally, I do not like reliving the past.

    The ball is in your court baby girl! check....

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