
Would you get contacts for a 12 yr old She will be going into seventh grade and does not want to where glasses

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Would you get contacts for a 12 yr old She will be going into seventh grade and does not want to where glasses




  1. It would depend on the maturity and responsibility of the 12 year old.  Our oldest daughter wore them at that age because of playing sports - it was easier, more convenient, and not to mention safer than glasses.  Our youngest daughter though is close to the same age now and has never been responsible with her glasses, so even the discussion of contacts is completely out of the question at this point.  Our family optometrist was helpful in both of our decisions regarding our daughters - talk to yours - you will be surprised in what they have to say, as well as what literature they can provide you with to make your decision.  Good Luck!

  2. no.8th grade like me, or even 9th! u learn a lot of responsibility in this time. unless ur kid is very patient, can use an extra 10 minutes in the morning, and each night to take care of them. cuz they are extremely small and can fall on the ground, rip easily, u must clean them good. ALOT of responsibility needed..

  3. If, as the others have said, she is responsible and willing to take care of them, then she should ask her mother to take her to Costco (if her mother had a card there) or some hospitals. You might want to get there phone numbers online and call to confirm this.

    I had been asking my mom for contacts since 6th grade, but my mom didn't trust me until half way through 8th grade. And remind her that it WILL be a pain in the first couple of weeks or month, but it gets tons easier.

  4. If she is responsible and careful, then I would say go for it. If she is careless, then I would have her wait until 8th or 9th grade.

  5. I got contacts at 13 (I'm 33 now) and I think if your daughter is willing to take responsibility for the care and cleaning of her contacts, she'll be fine.  You should make sure it's clear to her that if she does not take care of them, she could permanently harm her vision, maybe have the eye doctor talk about some of the things that could happen if she didn't care for them correctly, but I do think that a 12 year old is capable of handling contacts.

  6. Did you ever talk to the eye doctor about laser eye surgery. Honestly I don't know if it can be done on a 12 yr old. If it could that would be great to correct her eyesight at an early age.

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