
Would you get drunk from drinking a bottle of pucker schnapps in an hour?

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Would you get drunk from drinking a bottle of pucker schnapps in an hour?




  1. Depends on the size of bottle, your weight. You probably will have a high BAC even if you have a tolerance. Just DON'T drive!


  3. Something is wrong if you're not drunk.

  4. well if you didnt,you would get a h**l of a head rush when you start pucking your guts out.

  5. Pucker Schnapps is meant as a flavoring, so it has a lower alcohol content than hard liquors like vodka, whiskey, tequila, etc., but it still has about 15% alcohol by volume.   This is equal to what most wines are.  Based on your name Emily I am also guessing you are a woman, and alcohol effects women moreso than men due to different body fat compositions and stomach enzymes.  Furthermore, since you are asking this question I would most likely guess you are not a real experienced drinker, which means a low tolerance.

    Of course it depends on the size of the bottle, but I think it is safe to say yes, you would get drunk.  Not nearly as much as hard liquor, but probably about the same as drinking a whole bottle of wine.

  6. Eww puckers!

  7. Depends on your tolerance..

  8. i am invincible so no

  9. If you mean 40° schnapps, a bottle of 70cl, in less than one hour, there is a risk for you to die .

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