
Would you get revenge on a man for being a cheat if you were angry enough?

by  |  earlier

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one of my guy friends and i used to flirt really hard. i remember everything that he said to me from the first time i ever met him up until now. and everything he used to do to me. we always used to touch each other and hug each other and use words in ways only a married couple should. now i'm angry at him and want to tell his insignificant other about everything we did and everything i know about her.




  1. Let me refer you to see a professional..You need help.

  2. You sound like a spoiled brat.  Sorry to be so blunt, but what you consider flirting is just your point of view, he, I am sure has another side of the story and i'm afraid, you risk loosing big time, cause if he's smart, he will simply tell his "Insignificant Other" that your absolutely crazy and besotted with so much jealousy that your making the whole thing up and you'll end up with the s hit end of the stick.  

  3. So you were fine messing around with a married man and now you want to rub it in his wife's face? Making everybody miserable will make you feel better about yourself?

  4. I would never get that angry, if they cheated then why bother... They wouldn't be worth me putting that much energy into getting revenge....

  5. So you are just as wrong as he.  Sure rat him out, he cheated on his mate with you, it is his due.

  6. let it go, it will only make things worse to hold on and try to hurt somebody else.  are you that type of person, don't let this experience turn you into that type of girl.

  7. Forget it..... Once a cheater always a cheater. He is probably cheating on her with you and every other girl out there. He used you... That's it. He sweet talked you to get what he wanted. And it worked. Guys seem to have this ability to tell you everything that you wan to hear until they get what they want. He played you like a drum. I wouldn't waste my time on him anymore. I also wouldn't talk to him anymore. He isn't going to give you a relationship that you want. Imagine  you were dating him he would be sleeping around on you with other women. I would move on.

  8. Why didn't you think about is wife while you were fu*king him? Now he's done with you & you want to hurt his wife? Your just great!! Don't forget KARMA is a bit*h & she always looks for cheaters!!  

  9. yeah i would. i am easily gets angry if anyone hurts me.

  10. im not sure i understand so you are going out with the guy and he cheated on you??  or he is your friend and he cheated on his gf with you?  or he is a friend that is cheating and you want to spill the beans??  either way i feel revenge is toxic to your well advice sit back and let karma kick sucks for the person but it is well deserved...and if any questions are asked just say karma is a bi*** and walk away

  11. well its your decision, only you can make your own choice, but i would say no, you do not need to stoop that low like he did, if you love him then you need to tell him, but if you are going out with him, tell him how you feel about it, tell him that you did want to make it even:) good luck:) i hope that i helped:)

  12. Leave the guy alone. Dont be the psycho-ex type..

  13. Personally I would not do that. I would concentrate on dating a new man.

  14. plenty of fish in the ocean  sista..........get yourself a nice tight short skirt n heels and ask the next guy that walks by you ,if he wants to go to the movies ......break out of the rut  

  15. Living well without him and letting him see what he blew would be the best revenge.  

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