
Would you get upset if this happened to you?

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my gf is not ready for s*x and im fine with that but then she found a condom in my wallet and got upset. i had a condom just in case ands its not like i was waving it in front of her face forcing her to do anything. we're both 16,




  1. Well Stevie Wonder, just tell her that you were saving it for her, and didn't want to use it with anyone else but her, but only when she's ready (which should be at marriage).

  2. i wouldnt get upset

    My boyfriend is 16 and im 14

    he's always got condoms xD

    i usually laugh when i find them

    only because i know he totally respects me and my decisions and would never push me to do anything ^_^

    Tell your gf that its no big deal and that you love her and that she should know you respect her way to much to push her to do anything

    she should be okay with it eventually =)

    Good luck♥

  3. tell her better safe then sorry tell her hormones do get out of control when your with her but you never know tell her over and over to talk to you about issues like this and tell her you understand her and were she is going tell her over and over that she is the only one for you be open ask her questions what does she find good in  you just be open with all of things hope it work's good luck

  4. it wasnt wrong it was a just in case thing

  5. I wouldn't if you told me sweetly you've been saving it for when I'm ready. Let her know you'll wait and you did it with her in mind.

  6. i would be upset to...

    b.c the fact that i said i wasnt ready for s*x but then i find a condom...

    in a way you were forcing her...b/c you had it with you!

  7. i wouldn't get upset... but seriously why would she go into your wallet into your wallet in the first place, its your privacy and she had no right to do that. Don't worry to much, just talk to her about it. It will all be alright.  

  8. no its not wrong.

    but i can see her point.

    she doesnt understand why you would have one if she doesnt want to have s*x.

    another girl, your going to pressure her..something like that.

    just explain it to her. you have one just incase and you would want her to be protected if you ever chose to take the next step.

  9. I wouldn't be upset. Because well if its there then it hasn't been used if you know what i mean. And seeing that you don't pressure her then it shouldn't be a problem. Look what you are doing is just like when your in a car. We have an air bag JUST IN CASE. But your not planning on getting to in to a wreck your just being prepared because it could happen at any time. Same with your condom. Your not planning on it. Your just being safe and prepared for in case it happens. Because it could happen at any time.

    So no i don't think she should be mad.

    She actually needs to stop being the way she is and be happy that she has a man that is actually willing to stay with her with out s*x and wait till she is ready. Because most men now-ah-days wont. So she should be great full that all she has to worry about is you having an unused condom in your wallet.

    *just my thought*


  10. She should be happy you are being responsible enough to have one with you "in case".  Just because you carry one with you doesn't mean anything is going to happen.

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