
Would you get your food from a dumpster to save money..........?

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Oprah's show "How Far Would you go', activist believe that corporations are wasting good food and throwing it away rather then giving it away because of possible liablility to them. However these activist are getting their food from dumpsters in order to be against corporations waste. But what about the liability to themselves there is none! Why would Oprah host such a disgusting show on this subject.




  1. Just no..

  2. Food is ridiculously plentiful in our country, yet there are so many starving homeless people. It's even more ludicrous that corporations feel oblidged to squish it all into the nearest city dump.

    Unfortunately, the corporations are well within their rights to do this. Therefore, the government must quadruple any taxes on the amount of waste corporations dispose of, and feed it's disadvantaged citizens itself.

  3. If I was starving I suppose I would have to... unless of course I wanted to die of starvation... which would you pick??

  4. I guess it would depend on the food, the packaging, and my finances.

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