
Would you give a Christmas tip to traincrews?

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In recognition for all of their dedication, hard work, unsociable hours and professionalism in order to transport you to your destination safely?




  1. yes tell them to go by bus   .................

  2. Yes, my tip would be 'Clean the bloody toilets more often!'

  3. What a nice thought, yes they do a hard work, getting up at 02.30 in the morning to get commuters to work, if you want to give money to train crew it will be better to give it to the

    Orphan fund (of Seaferrers and Railworker)

    yes indeed a few workers have died doing their jobs in freaks accident or like Ladbrood Grove...

    Working in the railways especially in fret yards can be dangerous, even driving a passenger train, a train driver is at the front line, and will put is life at risk to safe the passengers one such as the tube dribver who died in the Moorgate accident.

    Thanks for your kindness, have a lovely Christmas

    (I am not a train driver, I just work in the ticket office and platforms.)

  4. The only tip they'd get off me is "don't eat yellow snow"

  5. big hairy rollox to em they get paid more than I do for a shite service and strikes all the d**n time. They should be giving me a tip!.

  6. yes! but which one(s). There is a different driver and guard each trip. Would it be fair to tip just those on the particular day you decide to do it? Anyway I wasn't impressed with all the negative and bitchy remarks in response to your question, I travel most days by train and am always very grateful to have been delivered to my destination safe and sound.

  7. You're on the right track.

  8. Hi

    As an ex-rail worker, i would have been happy for a thankyou. ive just glanced over some of the  remarks previous writers have written and most arent pleasant, this is really how most of the public travel, also remarks like the toilets etc are poor, and need attenetion etc but its another traveller/customer who left it in that state, so they only have themselves to blame, i wouldnt offer a tip, just a thankyou and a please works wonders, and as one spirited writers states do they leave you a tip, well lets not tip taxis, waiters etc... as he advises.. we a sad world we would end up in!.

    Merry Xmas!.

  9. No way, they are among the most well paid people on the railway, spare your money for the people in the ticket office and on the platform who earn around half as much as train drivers.

  10. They get paid for the job they do.  Maybe if they got me there on time, I might slip them 20p.

  11. I would leave a moist brown tip on the seat of the train when I disembark.

  12. do they give you a tip for doing your job?

  13. I am now retired, but worked for the last 8 years of my working life without any increase in salary whatsoever, and certainly without any tips at Christmas. I never once threatened to strike or take other industrial action. So no way, José

  14. All the answers seem to come from the UK... and seem rather testy !!

    I've commuted daily on Caltrain for the last 8 years, and the last few I've given a card to my conductors with a $20 gift card in it.  It's the same two people each day, and they DO go out of their way to be cheerful, helpful, and AMUSING.

    Caltrain seems to run MUCH better than the trains in the UK.

    For 5 years I was a telephone engineer who worked as a liason tween customer service, engineers and the customers.  I got hassled by other employees because I'd get cards and gifts from the clients... because I fixed their PROBLEMS or even better... trained them so they HAD no problems.

  15. No!

  16. I gave the nice ladies that work on my train all some imported candies last year, they were really happy about it so I'm sure I'll get them something this year as well.

  17. My tip...don't drink and drive!  You need all your faculties to keep that long train on those thin tracks, especially in those dark, unlit tunnels!

  18. Certainly not

  19. This is a joke, is it not?  The staff on our midland mainline are s**+ te.  Miserable mofos who don't even make eye contact!

    Heres a tip for them; SMILE!

  20. As rail staff myself I do not tip my fellow colleagues in cash. Where I work we are not even allowed to accept tips as the company classes them as bribes, and we might upgrade them for free.

    Most of us get free travel which of course you the passenger pays for in one way or another so you could say this is our tip.

    It is nice to actually get a civilised smile and a response from you the customer instead of a complaint or a grunt.

  21. I think not. Regards Train drivers, They are on a very good s***w regarding pay. Certainly alot more than they were on under BR control.

  22. Ya know what would be better than a tip, would be a warm thank you, and even a thank you card or some sort of treat.

    We are a bit obsessed by tipping in this country, there are better ways to thank someone.

  23. Yeah, by train then they can suffer too.

  24. In recognition of their dedication, hard work unsociable hours and professionalism as they transport you safely they get paid wages!!

    Why should anyone get a tip simply for doing what they are supposed to?

    Tipping should be for exceptional service over and above the required standard surely and not demanded as a right.

  25. As a railworker now for well over a decade, on trains, in ticket office and now as supervisor, I feel I can safely say NO.

    If you want to give a member of staff something for performing well, then a nice thankyou card, maybe a small non monetary token like a small box of chocs, they always go down well and make you feel good.

    No rail worker will accept money off a person unless its for a ticket etc, or should not do no matter the circumstances as this does constitute a breach in our company laws.

    If you want to make them feel even better, say hello to them or have a quick chat if they are not too busy, or even make a letter up and send it too Head Office, they do filter back to the staff.

    As for being some of the highest paid individuals, grumpy, etc, etc, I wish. Yes train drivers do get a lot of money for what seems like a pretty easy job, conductors and guards are a good £5000 below that, then the grades as they go lower get less paid until you reach railwayman who you see every day that does not earn more than £12 - 14k per year for working anytime within a 24hr period including night shift at some locations, standing outside in all weathers, dealing with sour faced commuters and is often the brunt of abusive, drunk, ASBO behaviour, often just for wearing a uniform and working for the train company. Yes we get a few perks, but who doesn't. As for Strikes, most companies on the Railways have not had a strike since the 80's and then they are only done because of extreme pressure and provocation by the Managers higher up who don't come out of there offices unless they have too and have never worked in the front line.

    Finally as for cleanliness of services, who does throw all the food wrappers, old papers, bits of burger, toilet tissues, etc, etc, around the trains? Do the staff?? Dont think so. Are there bins around, yes, are the trains cleaned at the terminus points where possible, yes, so whose to blame???

    There said My peace and yes just had a bad Friday night with the idiots, drunks and youths out. Bloody Christmas Parties.....

  26. Our company gives us £60 worth of high street shopping vouchers. Which is nice of them. They also pay for the food at the Christmas get together.

    Other than that, i'd say no, you shouldnt tip traincrew's because they are only "Front of house" people. The Trackworkers, Signallers, Fitters, etc  have all played an equally important role in getting any train from A to B, so why just favor the people who are visible.

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