
Would you give the 44 lb. cat a home?

by Guest55675  |  earlier

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  1. Not in new york, and have too many already. But given the right circumstances, why wouldn't anyone bring her home? There is nothing wrong with her, just a {little} extra weight.

  2. Of course, she looks like a sweetheart. I would put her on a diet though.

  3. Y not! I love cats!! The cat can be big as long as it's healthy. If he/she is healthy and friendly then the cat's a winner!! Lol Big cats need loving, too!

  4. Yes, I would! She is awesome! I have fat cats, but mine aren't as large as she is. One weighs 19 lbs, the other 18!

  5. aww, heck ya i would. my sister has a beagle thats way overweight that she got from the shelter. he is the cutest thing. my cats thin and so are my weiner dogs. i dont know why though they eat better than i do

  6. I wish i could :( just brought home jixer july 5th tho :( poor cat

  7. Of course I would. It's not the cats fault that she is that big. I think anyone who adopted her would need to do a thorough health screen to see if there is something medical that is wrong with her. Otherwise she seems like a great cat.

  8. That cat weighs more than my 3 yr old!  But I would give her a home.

  9. yes I would give him a good home.

  10. I think it's sick and sad that people let thier cats get that fat.

  11. I would love to give a cat a home because i love cats they cant just die because there fat...also i like to poke there flubber!

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