
Would you give to the UN's Self help program( UNICEF)? Anything I should be concerned about?

by Guest61900  |  earlier

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Would you give to the UN's Self help program( UNICEF)? Anything I should be concerned about?




  1. hahahahahaha! dude go have dinner at your favorite watering spot.surely the diplomats at the un will spend your money on their own favorite sins.

  2. I wouldn't....

    After the fiasco with the Red Cross and 9/11 I will not donate to giant mega charities.....only the ones locally that I know are legitimate.

    I don't mean to sound selfish, but it makes me sick that those in charge of charities take advantage of honest good hearted people.

  3. not without strings attached

  4. Send them a packet of seeds and tell them to plant them.  The UN is probably THE MOST corrupt "help group" in the world.  I'd rather give to religious charities working in particular regions.

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