
Would you give up on a friendship if.....?

by  |  earlier

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you notice the other person is not calling or trying to stay in touch with you. and that you are the one who usually contacts them? would you just give up and ignore them and lose that friend?




  1. it's happened before; it will happen again.

  2. no.

    they are busy

    they are working

    they are forgetful

    but they love you (hopefully)

    and if they do if you have time your the one who puts in the effort to call

  3. you should talk to the person and tell them how you feel. and if they still dont TRY to stay in touch then......lose them cause that means they dont really care.

  4. Before you make assumptions make sure your friend isn't going through a rough time. Don't give up so fast. Show them your there if they need to talk. Or maybe you should try talking to your friend about not making an effort. He or she can be side trackd with other things. You never know. But i am sure your friend will respect you alot more if you didn't give up until you really know whats wrong with your friend.

  5. Yes. Obviously they are not trying to be bothered. It's also obvious that this is bothering you. That's not real friendship. Let them go. People don't like rejection so most likely once you stop chasing them they'll start chasing you. Then the ball will be in your court and you can decide whether or not you wanna be bothered with them.

  6. i would talk to them first.

    just call them and be like "hey i noticed that we dont atlk that much anymore, whats up w/ that?"

  7. no maybe because they are busy or their text-er or cell phone doest work it does'ent matter and way

  8. i say ignore them. if they really wanted to talk to u and cared about ur friendship they would pull their own weight. but oc u can try talkin to them bout it first.  maybe they rn't aware of it.

  9. that is what happened to me. You shouldn't give it up just don't try as hard to contact them, likent contact them as much. what you could also do is talk to them ask them if they want to be your friend. But if you dont care about them as much...than i would just talk to them when you see them you know like 'hey, whats up'

  10. No not if they where a best friend I could never take that.

  11. I would confront them about it?

  12. ahh yes, that has happened to me before. i had a friend who really wouldnt contact me as much as i contact her. but just ignore them for a while and see how much attention they give you when you dont give it back and if they continue to act the same them ignore them and move on. (that is if you want to move on)

  13. if i didn't cherish the friendship, yes. but i just recently went through this, i didn't call or IM my friend for a month, & i didn't hear from her at all. but finally i realized she wasn't a friend i wanted to lose, so i called her & invited her over & told her how i felt. now she's kept in contact better & we're back to normal. wish you luck with your friend.

  14. No, and I am in this situation a lot!  Does it really matter that they don't call all the time and blahblahblah how was your day?

    You are friends and will be there for each other when the time comes.  I think being otherwise is petty.  Just don't let them take advantage of you... that's the key.

  15. yup.  

  16. wouldnt be the first time someone has let a friend go. ive done it before.

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