
Would you give up your Stanely cup Finals Ticket?

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Sooo...My dad has four tickets to the Game tonight. I have three younger sisters, who all want to go. My 6 year old sister wants to go, and my dad asked who wants to give up their ticket, for the little one. I mean come on Would you? Stanely Cup Finals! She doesn't understand anyway.

Ok so before you all think I'm an Evil mean older sister, I promised to take her to Chuck E Cheese next weekend. So its fair.

But what is the only way you would give up your Stanely Cup Finals ticket?

Hockey Q- How many Hits will Kronwall and Datsyuk have tonight?




  1. No, your not a mean older sister, if I had younger siblings I would do the same thing. It's not as if she is going to remember this and she'll probably forget in about a week's time. Plus, at her age, you taking her to Chucky Cheese is probably a fair trade.

    I would only give up my Stanley Cup ticket to (God forbid) someone who is a huge Leafs fan but is on their deathbed and seeing that game was the last thing they wanted to do. And I'm pretty sure I would get a free ticket from someone else who was touched by my generosity, so it all works out in the end.

  2. h**l NO!!!!!!

    **** her she is to young it is the finals i wouldnt do anything for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. never! Yay have fun!

  4. i would never give up my ticket. never ever.

  5. Do not give your ticket up.  I'm sure after the first period your sisters will be begging to go home because the Joe will be so loud.  Not a place to take the kids during the Stanley Cup finals.

  6. No and the only way I'd give mine up is death.

  7. If someone offered me a Lambourgini or a McLaren F1, otherwise no.

  8. Heck no! The game will be wasted on her. At that age she won't even be able to appreciate it. She'll probably be bored by the middle of the 2nd period.

  9. do not, i repeat

    DO  NOT

    give up ur ticket, whatever u do! she will be bored after about 10 minutes of play and will start to annoy ur dad anyways. u could be throwing away something that may never come again. possibly once in a lifetime! besides u promised to take her to chuck e cheese, so u dont have to do more.

    only way i'd give up my ticket is for 2 or more tickets for the very next home game. or anything of greater value than that.

  10. the only way i can give it up is for another ticket

    or a million dollars

    8 hits

  11. Honestly, the 6 yr old really has no clue what they would be taking in. But, on the other hand, they would be the one most likely CRUSHED if they didnt go. So it is a tough call. I always say family comes first and if that means YOU have to be the one to make the sacrifice, then sometimes that is the way it has to go. I wish you luck in solving your little dilemma.

  12. Hey, you're making the right choice. Trust me, when the Wings won the Cup in 1998, I was 6, and I had no idea what was going on.

    I appreciated the Cup win in 2002 much, much more. And now I'm even more into watching the Wings. Have fun tonight, I'm sure we'll all let you know if we see your sign.

    And of course above all- GO WINGS!!!!

    EDIT- just to let you all know, 10 minutes is too much for a 6 year old girl. When I was six, I was interested for about, say, 1 minute. ^_^

  13. h**l no!

    i dont think there would be any reason to give it up, actually if someone died, i might....

    hey have fun! who gave up the ticket?

  14. I would never give up my tickets only if i was given a lot of money  (like $1000,00. or more)

  15. The only way i would give up a Stanley cup ticket was if some guy is going to die and his dream is to go see a stanley cup game! that would be the only reason i would give up my ticket!

    i say about 4 or 5 hits!

  16. i don't think you're wrong for not giving up your ticket lol. it's not like she'll remember, anyways. she's six..

    i don't think i would give up my Stanely Cup tickets for anything.  Unless i would be able to meet Ryan Malone and spend a day with him..

  17. Pfft I wouldn't give it up.  At 6 years old you probably don't even fully understand the game and know the players or what not.

    Tell her you'll take her to a Stanley Cup game in a couple years :P

    EDIT:  I'll look for the sign just make sure to hold it up high.

    Write it on some neon posterboard :P

  18. Well I'm too late to answer the real question (dang limits lol) but nope I sure as heck wouldn't have given my tickets up for little sister.  I MIGHT give them up if someone was terminally ill and seeing the Wings in a playoff game was their dying wish.  Did you see Datsyuk wailing on that guy after Osgood got knocked down.....I loved it!

  19. Speaking as another older sister. No way. Sorry sis but no way. She'll might have more fun at Chuck E Cheese so your even;) Have fun at the game.

  20. I'd never give up my ticket!! Havn't been to an NHL game in over half a decade, I need to go!

    I think Kronwall will have a good four hits, Datsyuk will have two.

  21. Mean or not, you would be a fool to give up your tickets.  There isn't anything that I would give up STANLEY CUP FINAL tickets for.

  22. don't give it up!

    she's so young it won't make a huge impression on her anyway...

    your dad should promise to take her to a regular season game next year... it would be just as meaningful to her.

    ...and... chuck e. cheese is a good move.

    and you might want to bring her back a 'wingnut' hat.

    datsuk- 12 finished checks.

    kronvall- 4 or 5 open-ice momentum shifters.

  23. I wouldn't give up the ticket. She doesn't get the game yet. The only way I would give up a ticket is if I was in the hospital or Someone died . Number of hits =14

  24. Heck no., She doesn't care. She's never even heard of Sydney Crosby (which h**l even the guys at ESPN have)

  25. pens r gonna win

  26. I refused to go to a cookout today because my in-laws don't watch hockey and I want to see the game tonight...and that's just on TV!

    The only way I would give it up is if I was in an accident on the way to the game and had to go to the hospital.

    Any 6-year old would only be interested in the game for maybe the first 10 minutes, so you're right to not give up your ticket.  Maybe make it a game for her...tell her to watch on TV and see if she can see your family in the crowd!

  27. You are perfectly within your rights to say no. If I had kids, I would say that it's my ticket and not theirs, or tell them that they have school tomorrow morning.


    I would never give up my tickets unless it's for 1 million dollars.

    15. haha

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