
Would you give up your TiVo for High Definition TV (HDTV)?

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I admit I have a love affair with TiVo. I have for many years, and it often makes me giddy with child-like joy. Of course I love that I can watch/record/pause/fast forward/replay/etc, however I also love the TiVo for it's personality! I greatly enjoy the little things about it. From the interface, to the sound effects as I'm blipping back 8 seconds or blooping forward, to the little cute TiVo guy with wiggling antennaes coming out of his head. My boyfriend has dropped the bomb that he will be getting a new big screen TV and we will need a HiDef Receiver from DirectTV (our service provider) which is NOT a TiVo. I am fine with that, however what he said next is that he will be getting a 2nd HiDef receiver for the 42" which will be moved to our bedroom. I spend 99%of my tv viewing time in our bedroom and while I think HiDef would be cool I have no intentions or desire to ditch my TiVo just to get higher quality picture. Unfortunately I doubt I will have a say. What would you do?




  1. That is a good question and I will have to say ditch the tivo and hopefully u can get a dvr from directTV

  2. My wife was the same way. But she is now almost as happy with the Comcast Motorola HD DVR as she was with the TiVo series 3.

    The Comcast DVR has two HD tuners, which she likes. She does miss TiVo Suggestions and the Wish List, but other than that, she's fine with the HD DVR. Try it, you might like it. (You can always leave the TiVo connected in addition to the new DVR.)

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