
Would you give up your cell phone if you found out it was destroying nature.?

by Guest33319  |  earlier

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News story out today, cell phones may be destroying nature. Massive die-offs of honey bees may be tied to cell phone use. This critical part of our natural enviroment has a direct impact on out food crops and the food chain as a whole. Would you endanger all of nature just to chat with a friend? Are you that shallow?




  1. I would definitely get rid of my cell phone. I don't use it that much anyway. Even if cell phones were harmless to nature, I still kind of feel sorry to those people who are glued to their phones and text 24/7.

  2. I wouldn't need much reason to give up my cell phone. It is a pretty annoying thing. Can they take away my pager too?

    However you will have a hard time to prove to my satisfaction that cell phones harm bees while all other types of radio frequency transmissions don't. That just makes no sense.

  3. i dont care i dont have a cell phone.

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