
Would you give your life for a complete stranger?

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why or why not




  1. yes, i'd like to think so

    but then again i don't know what would really happen in that situation

    if my death involved immense torture before hand.. probably not

  2. If I saw somebody in a harrowing situation I would definitely try to help them even if it meant risking my life.

    Why, honestly:

    One selfish reason, beside the fact that I think that is the right thing to do, is that I would feel too guilty if I didn't step in and it would haunt me for the rest of my life.  So part of me would actually be doing it for myself and my own peace of mind and not just strictly for the other person.

  3. I would.  If I could save someone else, I would.  Even if it meant dying in the process.  I could never live with myself if I just stood there and watched them die.  I am not afraid to die as I know that my name is written in the Book of Life and that I am going to Heaven.  Also, Jesus said "Greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for another".  As a Christian, I try to be as much like Christ as I can.  There are few things more Christ-like than to give your life for someone else.  

  4. Yes.    Something yet for me tho try

  5. Not a single chance from now onward! hahaha.....because elva said so.

  6. Only if I was in a situation to help them, and physically able to save them.  And I would be more likely to help them if it was a group than just a single person.

    But this is what I like to tell myself.  The truth of the matter i, if the situation ever arised in which you would sacrifice yourself for someone else it would always be a Yes or No question.  And if you act on impulse then you would most likely go through with it.

  7. Although our actions are not always predictable, this one looks quite straight to me. My answer is no, because I believe that a complete stranger can never evoke the necessary level of emotions in me which can compel me to do so.

  8. yes. I would pray if I had the chance to I would.

  9. id like to think so...

    because i dont believe this life is all there is...

    if anyone does i could see why theyd want to cling to it

  10. givin' ur life is not the greatest thing you can do for someone pal.

  11. It'd depend on the circumstances.

  12. Honestly, speaking,'s hard enough to trust people these days, let alone giving your life for them...

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