
Would you go and stay with a remote tribe if you could?

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I'm watching Curious Tribe with Donal McIntyre, where he invites a tribe from Papua New Guinea to stay in London because he stayed with then in the jungle of PNG. They are curious about everything naturally, but I would sooner go to stay with them. What do you say would you change places for a while?




  1. Yes i would definitely, but only for a week or two

  2. No thanks, I like the comforts of urban life, I'm not even interested in living in a farm!

  3. P***k no i wouldnt survive and i like my technologies to much

  4. yeah i guess. just to see. i'd always live in or near the city though.

  5. I'd love to do something like that. Wow, it'd be great to be immersed in a different culture like that for a short time.

  6. I certainly would do, yes!

  7. NOOOO!!

  8. I'm old-I like my microwave, my shower, my refrigerator, my washer, my sunscreen, ....   I don't think I could hang!  I would have loved it when I was younger.  

  9. No, i would be too scared to live with people i don't know.

  10. i would love to go and stay with a remote tribe.i think the expereance would be life changing i don't think i would want to come back home

  11. Absolutely. But I have a "seek and experience" mentality.  

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