
Would you go back too school if they would give you a paycheck every week?

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i wonder if anyone else agrees too that ?

why should we go too school if we are not gettin paid anything ?

i mean i think kids as long as thier in school they should be able too carry a paycheck home too their family and have everything they ever wanted




  1. Actually that would be even more of a reason for me to (note the one O) continue homeschooling. Teenagers already don't value their education enough and it ruins it for the rest of us who actually went to public school to LEARN.

    I am so glad my mother decided to homeschool me.

  2. i would go back to school if i was getting a paycheck. it does suck that you dont get paid for school, but you get an education that really pays off later in life. statistics show that people who drop out of school make less money than people who stay in. but when i was in high school i thought i should be getting paid to be there. but it was worth it.

  3. I know I would go back to school if I got a paycheck heck yeah.  I think also it would be a great way for kids to stay in school.  Like if they graduate you can get a whole bunch of money to go to college or spend it on what they want.

  4. Absolutely and I did.  One job program I was in paid MORE to go to school than to work and I went to school and got Bs and As.

  5. Heck yeah i would go back to school and get paid for it!

  6. Not if ingrates like you were in my class, they couldn't pay me enough to put up with you.

  7. thats why you should be in school. So you won't make stupid comments like that. School is a free education for you, isn't that pay enough?

  8. I would totally do that but technically it's us and not the teachers who are benefitting from school so why should we get paid, we're the ones learning.

  9. No, they shouldn''s not a job, you're not producing anything or serving anyone, yet thousands of dollars are being spent to attempt to form you into a competent citizen.

    If you were paid to go to school, the following would happen:

    1) our property taxes would go sky-high, with very little attendance change

    2) kids would really start thinking that an education is useless, they'd just show up to get the money

    3) the kids who actually are motivated to work through their education would lose any motivation they had - they get paid just for showing up, why work?

    4) the real world would be even more of a rude awakening than it already is - you don't get paid just for showing up anywhere.  You get paid for using your hard-earned skills and knowledge to further your company and serve whoever your customer base is.

    School isn't there to be an amusement or a profit-making venture for kids.  It's there to give them the basic skills they'll need for the rest of their lives.  For hundreds, even thousands, of years, that education was off-limits to all who couldn't afford it.  Today, an education (at least a basic one) is available free of charge to any that will show up for it - and now you want to get paid for showing up?

  10. Wow, you sound very disillusioned with school!

    First of all, you're in the homeschooling section. Do you think that homeschoolers left school and would go back to it if they were paid? I know plenty who would NOT go, even if they were paid. Homeschooling works so well for them.

    Second, you should go to school (or receive an education, because as said above, homeschooling exists, too) for yourself: to get an education, to be more than you are, to have possibilities as an adult to lead your life fully. That is your payment: the good you are doing for yourself. Should homeschooled children be paid for their daily learning, too? I don't think so.

    Third, you should go to school (or receive an education) because it is the law. Since it is law, there's no need for you to be paid.

    Fourth, when you go to school, you are RECEIVING a service. You aren't providing a service to anyone, the way someone who works at a job is. You get paid for what you are giving. You aren't giving in school, you are receiving.

    Fifth, one could argue that marks are your paycheque when you are in school. You don't work very hard, you get D's or C's. You work hard, you can earn A's.

    Sixth, those students who don't enjoy school have other options, especially if their parents are open to homeschooling or online schooling. They don't HAVE to be in school. Those students who don't enjoy school could also work together to make change in how school functions.

    Those who drop out of school because they "aren't getting paid" have a messed up view of school.

  11. Whatever! LOL

    I wouldn't put my kids in school for a million dollars.

    The home-education that they receive is worth far more than money can buy.

    The social benefits of home-schooling far outweigh a million in gold boullion.

    The spiritual aspect of learning in a soul-safe environment is more valuable that silver and gold.

    The academic training that they have received enables them to earn plenty of money as adults.  They will never need to rely on welfare or handouts.

    I'd rather have you pay me $100 for each misspelled and misused word in your question than to pay you anything for not doing your part to learn the things you need to know.

    added later:::::::::::

    Yes, some people do go back to school for pay.  My friends are being paid to study Nuclear Engineering at a University.

  12. There is no way I would subject myself to that kind of c**p for pay. I wouldn't subject my KIDS to that c**p for any sort of pay.

    I don't really care if you go to school or not, but please, if you can't get a job, stay off the public dollar. That's just the modern society of something for nothing....if kids want a paycheck, they should get a job.

  13. well when my friend droped out of school he got a job as an apprentice counsill workmen and his quote to me was "i aint never been paid this much to do this little." he gets $800 per week, (alot for an australian aprentice) and all he has to do is stand there and hold the "slow" and "stop" sign. why go to school when you can get paid to do less?

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