
Would you go for it? You face. catastrophic risk, an absolute benefit, and a considerable uncertainty.?

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Would you go for it? You face. catastrophic risk, an absolute benefit, and a considerable uncertainty.?




  1. This open question is too open for my liking. What are you asking exactly? Anyway, what the heck... what is life without risk? And uncertainty? The absolute benefit may actually be the most ephemeral part, but GO FOR IT!

  2. No, not if i faced catastrophic risk! I would not put the people i loved in the position to mourn over me because i did something stupid.

    An absolute benefit? Hmm, like riches? Well, i dont need riches to be happy, ofcourse they would be nice, and probably needed for the future because of all the stuff that is going on. I mean really, people are starting to steal alot more, when the sht hits the fan, i would want to be as far away from people as possible. But for now, i would NOT do that. I'm not fully equipped to do so either.

  3. Not right away. First you work to minimize your risk, define and minimize your uncertainty and then decide whether the benefit outweighs the other factors. Prudence requires such a course. Gamblers tho', are not prudent people or they wouldn't be gamblers.

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