
Would you go on a diet if you were me?

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I'm 25, and I've been on a swim team since I was 15. For some ignorant people, I'm too fat to be a swimmer, even though if my times are good.

I can easily fit in my highschool pants; I was a waist size 32 then, I'm a size 32 now.

My measurements back then are exactly my measurents now: 32 waist, 40 butt, 16 arms.

I tried going on a diet at 16. I got to be a size 30, but my arms went to 13 inches, and my butt to 33 inches, so I decided to gain the weight back.

When I was 19, I tried doing 1500 sit-ups everyday. I got to a size 30, but just by doing sit-ups and no diets, somehow my arms went to 13 inches, and my butt to 33 inches. So I stopped doing so many sit-ups.

I tried a diet again at 22, and again I lost my arms and butt just to lose 2 inches off my waist.

Everytime I went to a size 30, I was so out of energy, it made me slower at the pool.

Stupid people tell me I'm too fat to be a swimmer, but in my case:

Would you go on a diet?




  1. OK dont go on a diet just workout and ull get fit and mor energy.

  2. If whenever you lost weight you lost inches on your arms and butt, that means that you lost fat there--which isn't a bad thing. That means that whatever inches you did lose there wasn't muscle but flab, so when you lose weight, concentrate on working out those areas to turn it to muscle.

    It doesn't matter if you're fat or not if your times are good. I dated a girl on a swim team and went to one of her meets, and there was a guy on her team who was really chubby. (It wasn't exactly a sight you wanted to see in a speedo!) However, he was one of the fastest swimmers on her team.

    If they think you shouldn't be a swimmer because you're "too fat," yes, they are ignorant. It doesn't matter if you have a 40 inch waist, if you have good times, that's all that counts. Besides, thirty-two isn't even that big! The only reason you should want to go on a diet would be looking better in that swimswuit.

  3. No but I would seek professional help regarding your obsessive nature and poor self esteem.

    Or you could take up SURFING.

  4. you dont have to listen to those ppl who thinks

    your fat to be a swimmer. your perfect and you

    do NOT need to go on a diet.

    your not even fat.

    if your a swimmer, you need a lot of energy

    and if you feel out of energy, that is not good.

    you dont need to go on a diet.


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