
Would you go on a ride if you know you would throw up from it?

by  |  earlier

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Like a roller coaster or anything like that. Assume you can bring a bag on with you.




  1. Certainly not.  I wouldn't want to embarass myself like that and I really don't enjoy feeling sick to my stomach.

  2. no, i HATE throwing up...ugh nothing worse...

  3. Depends on the ride!!!!

    if the ride has like 10 lopes and 10 cork screws! Then YES!

    if its a sucky coaster! then no!!! its not worth my vomit!

  4. No because I wouldn't want to make the ride bad for everyone else. It's out of respect.

  5. Well it would have to be a killer roller coaster to make me puke, and chances are that it's really fun, so yes I would go.

  6. Never it would make me sick and maybe some 1 else

  7. If you know you'll puke, its really disgusting to go on anyway. It's also rude. Obviously other people will be at the park, and I doubt they would want to see someone puke. I know I wouldnt.  Plus, the workers will probably have to clean it up. And if you happen to puke ON the ride, thats even more disgusting. Be courteous of others around you.

  8. Yes it would be quite a thrill. You only live once might as well live it to the fullest! What have you got to lose?

  9. well...first off...i have a very strong stomach...and haven't puked in 6 years! But I probably wouldn't go on a ride and know i was gonna barf from it. cuz when i know that i am REALLY sick and i wouldn't be able to do anything else that day because i would feel horrible. so no.

  10. Nope.

  11. What is with your vomit obsession and all the questions regarding it?

    Your next question should be: Which psychiatrist is best suited to my needs?

  12. are strange.  To answer your question...


    Why do you ask such strange questions...look at this persons asked questions...


    What would you do if you were incontinent?

    What would it be like if everyone was had to wear diapers?

    How does it feel to pee in a diaper?

    When was the last time your child wet there bed?

    When was the last time your child wet there pants?

    When was the last time your child vomited?

    Would you make your child wear a diaper for a long car trip?

    Have you ever warn a diaper on a long trip?

    Have you ever peed in the ocean for a guy/girl?

    Pants or Diaper?

    What is your best morning sickness story?

    Doctors office or hospital vomit story?

    Docters office or hospital vomit story?

    What is your most embarrassing morning sickness story?

  13. completely depends. i would not throw up ever... but if i was going to the ride would have to be worth it

  14. if i would puke...

    during the ride NO!!

    after the ride h**l YA I LOVEE ROLLER COASTERS!!

  15. h**l yeah, more barf=more fun

  16. Only if I thought it'd really turn on my date!

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