
Would you go on holiday with a limp?

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i am due to go on holiday next week sunday to barbados but i have a limp. my leg has been hurting me for the past 2 weeks, which the doctor says is a strain because of overexercising and has caused me to walk with a limp, the pain is excrutiating but when i take ibroephen the pain goes away which i take 3 times a day, but i still walk with a limp lol, i am in 2 minds whether to go on this holiday or not. i am so excited about going and want to go so bad but at the same time i dont want to go all that way and walk with a limp, what would you do?would you go to sunny barbados with a limp




  1. The seas around Barbados have always thought to posess a certain healing power to them.  The former US president George Washington even took his sick brother to Barbados....

    Also being in the water can help you because gravity is not as strong so you wont have your full weight on the knee joint yet you can still flex it and exercise it.  I would say give it a shot....  

    Also, if you can remember back in 1998 just after Bill Clinton's knee injury, his surgery, and his recovery he too went to Barbados....  Not a bad place I would check it out also Barbados has a decent hospital just incase.  If nervous get some health care insurance for your trip when you do....

    Also Tony Blair's son had surgery done in Barbados.  And you know-- if the British Prime Minister didn't trust Barbados's hospital they would have shipped him back to the UK...

    The main hospital in Barbados is

    the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH)

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