
Would you go to a party as Adam and/or Eve?

by  |  earlier

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And how far would you go - would you go naked? Fig leaves? Or start with leaves and take them off as the night went on...... and maybe encourage others to strip off?

I have seen it before - I Couldn't believe it when this couple turned up stark naked...... they were the centre of attention all night!




  1. One person goes as the apple, and the other the serpent.  The serpent could try to get everybody at the party to bite the apple.

  2. there are no fig leaves big enough for me so I would have to go as a figged up bush ....or an apple

  3. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God sewed them clothes, so you could wear anything you wanted.

  4. I'd get me some friggin clothes!

  5. lol .....going stark naked to a "fancy dress" party sounds really funny!  ......Maybe I'd just go dressed as an apple:)

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