
Would you go to an All you can eat Pizza Buffet ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no i wouldnt as i cant stand pizzas

  2. Why would anyone go to "all you can eat" anything??? Too much food and too much money.

  3. Yes- I love Pizza!

  4. yep

  5. heck yeah

  6. oh yes tell me when and where lol

  7. Yes I LOVE Pizza and have gone to several pizza buffet places. They were Palasta !, Pizza Hut, Hungry Parrot, and Infinito's

  8. Yes, i would

  9. Yeah, pizza hut has a good one.  Also, Cici pizza has a good one for the price.

  10. Yes, I would. I keep seeing this commercial about Cici's, I have no idea where that is located..maybe down south? I live in Jersey and I've never seen one around here but if I do find it, I will go

  11. I have done before at Pizza Hut. Ate far too much & felt ill!

  12. Yes, lunchtimes at pizza hut are great due to the fact you can just get up when you like, as much as you like and eat what you like!!

  13. Yeah i have, it was nice 2!

  14. Yes of course i would, it's food isn't it ? lol.x

  15. Heck yeah!

  16. Yes I would . I love pizza. Get your coat Jo lets go = ) . Love ya Sug xx xx

  17. Yeah, cuz I love pizza!!

    (I recommend Pizza Hut's buffet!)

  18. I have at Pizza Hut

  19. I would love to darling with you.

  20. You betcha!

  21. Not a Pizza buffet, no. I get full just eating half a pizza. They're full of things that make you feel really bloated. I'd rather go to an all you can eat chinese buffet or indian, as there are many different varieties of food- whereas with pizza, there's not much of a variety, it's just dough with toppings.  

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