
Would you go up in a hot air baloon?

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(im from scotland) we have a hot air baloon festival every year,it so cool to see them in the sky,i would like to go up in one would you?




  1. If the air inside is hot enough that the whole system weighs less than the air it displaces, yes.

  2. Yes and eventually down in the balloon too. Actually depending on the wind and the operator I might just go up and down and up and down and up and down. Or maybe up then down and up then down and up and down just to go up and down again.

  3. yes

  4. I have been up many times,its a great feeling and very peaceful,if you never do it or try it ,you cannot talk about it or criticise it,always have a go,its what lifes about.All it takes is great personal courage,massive nerve,guts and a touch of lunacy,better still,a mate who has got one and being obliged to go with them.

  5. why not? as long as i'm having fun ...even if i die i'd rather go up than stare at the balloon below

  6. I would absolutely do it again.  The only reason I don't do it more is cost.  Risks are very low.  I enjoy the view from the air, whether it's a plane, helicopter, balloon, or just a scenic overlook.  The pleasure is intensified by being out in the open air.  When the gas flame shuts off, there's no sound.

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