
Would you guys ever....?

by Guest63841  |  earlier

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date a very good looking person... with acne?

I'm curious because all of the people that I see at my school with acne never have a bf/gf unless the girls cake on foundation and whatnot on their faces.




  1. There is more to a person than their exterior apperance. It depends on what kind of person they are.



  3. yes. everyone gets zits. and zits don't stay forever, and even if they do, it wouldn't matter as long as i love the person.

  4. Almost everyone has acne at some point in there life! Usually during high school, this is just a part of life. Even if you don't date someone who has acne right now you will someday date someone who used to have acne! How would you feel if someone didn't want to date you because you had acne? You know, do unto others...

  5. Maybe...

    if the person doesn't have too much acne.

  6. hmmm... it depends

  7. You should look past the acne.

  8. ok i think if you like the person it shouldn't really matter

    and to add to the people with acne never getting a bf/gf well i know a few people that their whole face was red from all the acne at times, but still have had a bf/gf so it all depends

    i think if anyone has acne they just start cleaning their face a little more because it works most of the time

  9. Oh that's sweet.

  10. mhmm

  11. Acne is just something temporary .

    It's not really a part of who you are ....

    If a person has good looks , and a great personality to go  with it , then why not ?

  12. Well. Acne has nohting to do with dating. Only in your circle  around you people who have acne happen not to have bf/gf

  13. If they have a good personality and only a little bit then yes.

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