
Would you have Kellie Pickler take her red high heels off, or keep them on?

by Guest67144  |  earlier

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Would you have Kellie Pickler take her red high heels off, or keep them on?




  1. And how could that help her entertainment.

    June Carter kicked off her shoes on stage,even Tanya Tucker did,so if Kellie does more power to her.

    Besides the heels make her look taller.

  2. Keep them On Because There Hot

  3. off

  4. This the best you can do? I could care less. Not a Pickler fan.  

  5. Off, can't do that whole barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with them on very well.  That was a joke people, please save the thumbs down and reported answers for a serious chauvinist.  Truth being, I am too old for her to even have a mercy date with me.

  6. Who cares.

  7. This is a question only a man would ask!   To sing in, leave them on

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