
Would you have a Holiday in Antigua?

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Just read the police have no computers, only one trained forensic officer on the Island ( no Lab ) and that violent crime is on the rise.Given the murder of the honeymoon couple and the resignation of the Canadian police chief should I cancel my holiday there next month?




  1. id hav a hoilday anywhere

  2. I'd rather go there than Jamaica!

    Police forces are generally equipped according to need and tempered somewhat by funding budgets. If there is no daily need for whizz bang super scientific kit then it's hard to justify buying it to the taxpayers, more so when a small island will have many other things to spend it on.

    Yes a tragedy has occured but you can't write off a nation for it. Let's face it I imagine we are much more likely to get shot in the USA... or jamaica!

  3. You should check this video from my vacation in Antigua

  4. Maybe? Depends what would you put first?

  5. I live there on my boat for about 7 months every year and it's a wonderful island to live on and visit.  It is MUCH cleaner and safer than Jamaica even if it's smaller.. but there is ALWAYS something going on... especially during the sailing season.  It's the activity hub of the Caribbean and most AmeriKans have never heard of it or even know where it is... even the list that Yahoo has on Travel.. doesn't list it.

    That recent problem was sad.. but its such a rare and infrequent thing... it's not to worry... it's NOTHING like the crime in Kingston where you can't walk from the Airport to downtown in broad daylight.

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