
Would you have a puppy mill pup or a rescue pet dog?

by  |  earlier

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I see so much controversy over puppy mills as they are called, and I even understand why to some degree. Seems tragic they will still continue to produce pups and the shelters will still continue to get dogs too. But to deny the existance of the pup is not fair either, afterall its already here and more likely cute enough to be sold. So wether you save one from ending up at a shelter by way of buying it from the "mill" in the first place OR going direct to shelter to rescue a dog is only a matter of preference is it not? I would love to see all given a fair chance at life , but its not that easy sadly.




  1. I have one puppy mill dog, and 2 rescues.. (and one from a good breeder)..  I love all of them..  the most recent was from a puppy mill and he has learned so much in two weeks (aprox.) ..  I can already tell (by his stance) that he will probably have some hip issues later on, but I still don't regret getting him..  (and as I didn't actually pay for him, I didn't help the mill.. )

    Oh, and the socialization issue is still noticeable..  he'd only had contact with ONE person and he's a year old.. never had a collar on in his life..  but, I figured that up front, and he learned from watching my other dogs.. he now WANTS attention, and has taken to leash training very well..  (I even brought him to work with me the other day at petsmart.. he was great)

  2. It is very sad that puppy mills exist to have to deal with.  I would get a rescue dog though. By buying a puppy mill pup, it supports their efforts and keeps them making more. Most of the dogs eventually end up in shelters so you could very well be adopting a puppy mill dog when you get one from the shelter. I have wondered about that too and that's the only thing I can come up with.  The mill must not be supported. When they stop selling dogs, they go out of business.

  3. i feel the same, i would like to give them all a chance at life, but i would buy a rescue dog from a shelter as my money will go towards the shelter and helping animals.

    Buying a puppy mill pup i couldn't do, because i know my money will be 'helping' them out.

    everytime i look at a puppy from a pet shop all i think is about is what there poor mum is going through :(  

  4. rescue. If you buy from a mill you support it by giving it more money to breed more dogs and i don't plan on supporting mills. If people stopped  buying from mills they would get little profit and stop pumping out pups than their would be less dogs in shelters and better quality pets.

  5. My current dog is from the pet shop (aka puppy mill).  My next dog will be from the shelter. The thing with puppy mills is this. The RSPCA (shelter) doesnt take money for getting the puppies, but if you buy a pet from the pet store you are encouraging pet mills.

    I love looking in the pet store windows but I will never get a pet from there ever again.  

  6. My personal opinion is that i would always rescue, this is only because i would rather give a dog a home that really needs one and also you can very often get a more settled dog, whereas there is a lot of training involved with a puppy. the main plus about having a puppy is that you can get insurnce on them very easily, unlike rescued dogs.

  7. I would always get a rescue dog/pup/golden oldie.

    not only are puppy mill dogs bred for profit but there is NO love in the farms, just breed and breed!!!

    many dont even socalise properly before getting sent to those awfully cramped pet shops which sell the pups way to young and also for a lot of profit!!

    the pet shop dogs hardly get bought and are usually sick with moist eyes. >:|

    so thats why that if i dont buy or anyone dont buy puppy mill dogs then there will not be such a demand of it and they lose bussiness and so then all there is is rescue dogs, who are dogs that got thrown out from owners that bought form pet shops that think the dog was cute, but when they bought it home and found out that it was sick with $$$ to pay for operation, they DUMP the DOG!!!

    stf them.

  8. I would go for a rescue pet. If people don't buy from puppy mills, they will no longer have them. I understand what you are saying and it is unfair to those born in a puppy mill but what the people are doing at the puppy mills is unfair and it needs to be stopped.

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