
Would you have a rfid chip implanted to track your every move?

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After watching ZEITGEIST (the federal reserve) on YOUTUBE I have become quite worried about the fact that it is inevetable that we or our children will be required to have this chip by law. Without it we will not be able to buy or sell and if we protest what they do, it will simply be turned off. Would anyone willingly have this implanted in them? If you haven't already I suggest you watch zeigeist on youtube.




  1. No, the threat/possibility is largely exaggerated.

    Technically speaking, the kind of RFID chips we're talk about are called passive RFID. They are about the size of a grain of rice and have no power source. They can only be read with a reader a few inches away. Tracking a passive RFID from a satellite is technically impossible.

    But a range of a few inches does make it good for applications like Passports and implanting into pets.

    There are some people who have had them implanted voluntarily. Conceivably it could make life easier to not have to carry a wallet, just wave your forearm, and sign.

    But the fear that the government might force them on the entire population? That is just paranoia.  There is no such bill at any stage in Washington that anyone knows of. This is a country that resisted the metric system. Right to privacy is considered a implied right of the consitution and this doctrine has struck down numerous personal intrusive laws (Roe v Wade being the most famous example).

    This is one reason why I think this film does more damage than good for a democracy. There are lots of things our government does we should be concerned and more probable and real threats to our civil liberties to worry about. Unfortunately Zeitgiest diverts peoples attention from real issues with untruths and exageration.

    For a detailed, point-by-point analysis of the film, see

  2. There will be a system by which the individual's ability to buy and sell will be completely controlled. See Revelation chapter 13. We are the only generation that has ever lived where the technology exists to do this.

    As to the consequences of receiving the mark of the beast see Revelation chapter 14, verses 9 - 11, and Revelation chapter 16, verses 1 and 2.

    "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..."  

  3. I'm hoping that a limit will be reached with privacy loving Americans who will resist en mass against this kind of intrusive legislation.

  4. h**l no.  im not a freakin dog.

  5. No i wouldn't its totally unnecessary.

  6. haha the people will never let that happen. this is not a dictatorship.. and human rights are so out of control they couldn't even put them on terrorists and murderers

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