
Would you have another child?

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If you had a few kids in a previous mairrage but not with your current husband and he wanted a baby would you? I kinda dont want to do the baby thing again. We are not really at a place financially to have one. Although we are not rich so I dont know if we will ever be at that place untill our current children are grown. I keep thinking about it. I have thought of ways we can make it work. Ive also thought of reasons not too. I'm just not sure. I know children are a blessing from God I'm just now sure if I want to do it again. How did you know if you wanted another. Were there doubts about having more kids before.




  1. Absolutely NOT!! I only had one and she was such a good baby...I just adopted people's kids after that.....My ex's son likes me more than his family so he is my son now...A wonderful girl in New Jersey who's mom was very nasty to her so she is now my daughter. That is just fine for me. No more diapers and all that. Just enjoy the ones you have and don't obligate yourself to 18 more years of crying, diapers, and attitude. Hope this helps!!

  2. The choice of whether or not to have another child is such a personal decision...I can understand your ambivalence, especially if most of your children are older..having another baby would possibly put a damper on some of your plans you have for after your children are grown...but if your husband is really wanting a child with you and he is a good man..then I would probably seriously consider having's all up to you two honey...Best of Luck!

  3. Go what your heart says

  4. Did you discuss this before you got married? Did your husband know that you didn't want any more kids?

    If you didn't have that conversation before, you should have it now, and try to compromise. You might find that he has a very deep desire to be a parent, and if you outright refuse him you could do serious damage to your relationship.

  5. Absolutely. My daughter (from a previous relationship) is now 11.  We talked about another one and he kept saying we should wait (just bought a new house in a new state and we both started new jobs).  Well, six months later, we're all settled in and it just hit us that we're sooooo ready! Of course you're going to worry about finances etc.  I don't know a couple who was activly trying and wasn't, but there really is never the "right" time where finances are concerned.  You just do what you have to.  I was worried that my daughter will need braces and that she'll be going to college and how can we afford it all....what I realized is, you can't put your life on hold for all the "what-if's".  If so, you're not really living! You'll know you're ready when the thought of never having another one is agonizing and when you can't shake that "I want a child feeling".  It'll all work out.

    I wouldn't say we had any doubts, we did however question the timing.  There's no time like the present though!!  Good luck sweetie, I know how hard this decision really is.  I wish you all the best. :)

  6. My Mother always saw your never really ready for a baby. If you dont want one, dont do it. Its hard to decide if you want a baby, their are always goods and bads. Just try to write a list of  the good and the bads, which is longer? Just give it thought, a lot of thought before you make your decision. I have two kids with a previous relationship and I deff. want more with the man I am in a reltionship now. But, we are going to wait about 3 years until we are married and more stable and I have finished my college degree. Good luck.

  7. Of course you would want to make sure that its financially viable, but if you can swing it, I say go for it.  The way I see it is it might be hard for a while , but in the future when your kids are all gorwn up, there will be more family to spend holidays and special times with. (PLUS....more grandkids some day!! lol)

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