
Would you have called the medics out or left someone to die?

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Are people who use heroin more prone to making irrational decisions?




  1. If she cared about her child, she would have called the paramedics, even if that ment getting herself in trouble. I think drugs have obviosuly killed this ladies better judgment. I think using drugs as an excuse for stupidity is just as bad as saying the alcohol made me do it. This lady had enough brain cells left to think about reasons not to call for help and keep herself out of trouble, she shouldve used them to call for help.

  2. only a selfish druggy could sit back and watch someone die  - your own daughter - it really is astounding.

  3. I had to read that twice, sorry I can't believe that a Mother actually knew she was taking heroin for 2 years and had seen her daughter overdose before and that she had also lost her husband, what sort of people are they and what an awful life to live. I'm shocked as that is not the sort of world that I know, what awful people they are. I can't give an honest answer as I have never been in that position only if it was up to me then no child of mine would ever lead a life like that. I have a son of 29 and a daughter of 28 and thankfully they do not live that type of life.

  4. This is a shining example of the sort of parental care and example that is blighting so many young lives.  I can only assume the mother was off her head at the time but the chances are that her daughter wouldn't have made 18 anyway.

    What hope does a child have growing up in this sort of environment and what were the doctors and social services doing about it?  It's a classic case of a child who should have been taken into care years before this happened.

  5. \yes It is hard to make rational decisions under the influence of narcotics ( or alcohol come to that)

    That however goes not mean that the ethics of the case should be taken any differently.

    For instance if someone smoked or drank took drugs and either commited a crime or caused one through negligence should they be treated any more "lightly" than someone who was not under the influence?

  6. In Scotland over the past few years, the police have gave out information that the latest import of drugs are lethal( very concentrated) ..personally I wouldn`t have said a word ??

    Let the non-entities die.

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