
Would you have picked YOU to be your parent?

by Guest58599  |  earlier

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Would you have benefited if you had been the parent that you have been to your children?




  1. i was completely clueless,  my poor kids had a lot to learn, but they did very well despite their mother.  in my defense my own mother was also that way as she had lost her mom as a small child.  

  2. yes

  3. I was good and loving to my children, even today I love them dearly. But I would not want to be my parent. I am not sure why, but I would be afraid of me. Just the thought makes me shudder! Maybe I should see a 'special' doctor. My children love me but I was not always the wise parent.I made mistakes and some times wrong decisions. So my answer is no.    Poppy

  4. Heck Yeah!!  I am an awesome Parent... Ask My kids.... and all their friends

  5. Would I have beniffited as my self a s a parent? Yes, my girls were loved and given responsilbilities to grow and become well rounded adults. They were taught to be caring, and give service to the community, they were also taught education was a priority and to take advantage of any educatin that came there way.Mind you they didn't always behave the way they were taught and had a few mistakes now and then but they came out ok.

    Would I want me as a parent?  NO, I was to strict and had to know at all times who they were with and where they were going. I also did some follow up so they couldn't say one thing and do another.

  6. I am my own parent. I think being my own parent has been very good for me.  If I had a choice, what other choice would I have?

    Given the option of having me as my own parent, or me as my own parent I would probably opt for the latter.


  7. No way! I think I'm a rubbish parent!

  8. I sure would.  We gave our kids responsibilities at an early age that helped them become responsible adults.  If you want your kids to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.

  9. When I had my children I would not have wanted me for my parent.  I was too young and wasn't very responsible.  I'm a bit dense today, and I don't quite understand the second part of your question.

  10. Yes

  11. I guess I would despite the fact that I never had any children  but I am a good son and probably I would be a good parent. I am a carer for my 83-year old mother.

  12. No, I have never wanted children.

  13. Maybe, I guess I would considering my mother died when I was 8 and I had to deal with a very wicked step-mother.

    I vowed to be the best mother I could be and I stuck with my vows to be a good mother, just as I stuck with my vows to be the best wife I could be.

    That was over 50 years ago and I truly was the best I could be, to the best of - My - ability.


  14. Yes, most definitely.  My grown up children both say that I am the best.

  15. Yes, I have been a nice mum.  Encouraging, supportive, non-invasive, and I went to some trouble to enlarge their horizons and expose them to a wide variety of interesting events in our society.  My mum was OK, but I am better!

  16. God no, id be a terrible parent to myself. im too much of a self centered child, andid be an inpatient mother. so really no.

  17. This is a little confusing. No, I would hate to have myself as my own parent.

  18. Hi!  no, because no matter how hard you try, I still believe we are too much like our parents , and in my case, that was not the best, in any way let me just say, or let me change that, now in thinking as writing, I am a heck, of allot better than nothing! actually, I am good mom! so yes... why not!

  19. In the beginning - I think I would be ok.  

  20. This would violate causality, and potentially bring about the end of the universe.

    Try googling for 'the grandfather paradox'.

  21. I had great parents, my kids seem to love me, call me all the time, ask for advice, etc., so I guess I am an ok parent as well. If I get stuck, I think, "what would mom and dad have said." The answer is right there! Goldwing

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