
Would you have s*x before marriege? Or would you wait till your married?

by  |  earlier

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I for one, am a Christian, and I'm saving myself for the right guy that'll be my husband some day =)





  1. I waited until I was married. Age 31.

  2. I did not! But if thats what you want to do then go for it...

  3. that's awesome that you're waiting. but I didnt wait. i found a great guy that i'm still with and i'm really happy and i enjoy s*x.

  4. Considering I am 25 and have not found a guy I would consider falling in love with or marrying at all....I'm pretty glad I haven't waited for anyone. He sure is taking his sweet time.  

  5. I think waiting is very admirable. The world could use more people like you. Good Luck!

  6. I would have s*x before marriage

  7. me too!

  8. I am christian also but I had s*x before marriage. I just wanted to know that we were compatible on that level. Oh boy were we but to each their own.

  9. My friend did, she has hit 40 and still waiting for Mr Right. She is extremely good looking, too, so it took awhile for me to believe it ;-)

    I didn't and don't regret that at all. The majority of my experiences have been pretty meaningful. And now I have met Mr Right I am so glad I have experience to share with him and make it great for both of us. He thinks I am amazing in bed and I know I will be able to keep him happy for a long time to come. Plus you learn about yourself and what makes you happy!

    But...once there was a guy who would not have suited me in bed. Glad to find that out before going down the aisle and signing my life away!

  10. I so respect u for what u believe in. Personally I had s*x with my hubby before we got married ...... I just felt what if we are not compatible in that dept.  

  11. I had s*x when I was in my teens and was with my first for 7 years...I don't regret it at all. Choice is yours.

  12. Yah soon as you find mr right....You'll give up the goods before marriage.  Then the fun starts...all your ideals go out the window.

    Then:  Bring on the many lovers.

    Thats how usually it works with the chicks that supress the instinct with relition.  You will lash out...mark my words.

  13. i am also a christian and am going to wait also because its not really worth risking any disease with sleeping with a few guys.

    God bless you!

  14. I  so respect all of those whom have waited and have been with one person , NOT SAYING I DO NOT RESPECT ALL PEOPLE AND THEIR BELIEFS! As the saying goes to each his own ! yet through my years ive been fortunate to have never contratcted herpighonasyphalaids or sumpin , there was someone who i seemed to have made a spiritual connection with , it was more of an out of the body experience , pure bliss , after this , well s*x with just anyone was only a moment of self gratification , and left me more lonely than before , i have not been with anyone for three years now after finally realizing , i want one person in my life , one love , one spirit , one heart all combined from to souls .

  15. I'm waiting till marriage. Also, i think it is one of the most responsible things u can do. Good for you!

  16. Well to be honest that was my plan, but when I met my husband and fell in love with him I decided I did not want to wait. He is the only person I have had s*x with, but it was when we were dating, before we got married.

  17. I plan on waiting until i get married.

    I have a purity ring :)

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